Persona 5 AU Part 5: Dark Clouds Gather

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The story here is as we know...

In order to find out more about the criminal with the Black Mask and the mental shutdown cases, Futaba gets Makoto to copy data from her sister Sae's laptop. From the data, Futaba learns that Okumura Foods CEO Kunikazu Okumura is at the heart of several ongoing investigations. Furthermore, after the Shujin Principal Kobayakawa, Okumura reaches the top spot for the Phantom Thieves most voted for next target. The Phantom Thieves discuss whether to change Okumura's heart based solely on public opinion. Things get heated, causing Morgana to run away from home. Ren and the others track Morgana to Okumura's Palace, where they find him with a woman who goes by the name "Beauty Thief." They fail to make peace with Morgana at this moment, but when looking into Beauty Thief's identity, the team learns she is none other than Haru Okumura, Kunikazu's daughter. After learning a little more about Haru and how her father plans to sell her off to a man named Sugimura (Sugimura will be important to the story from here on out, remember that.) Haru reveals she wants to give her father a change of heart. After joining the Phantom Thieves, they all return to Okumura's Palace, the Spaceport of Greed. The Phantom Thieves manage to defeat Shadow Okumura, stop him from escaping and steal his treasure. They depart, waiting for the change of heart to come. The team watches Okumura's press conference while celebrating at Destinyland, but their revelry is cut short...Okumura suddenly suffers a mental shutdown at the press conference, and later dies. The Phantom Thieves, having no part in it, are shocked.

Now this is where we transition from canon to AU.

The groups popularity plummets after Okumura's death, since they are framed as being primarily responsible. They receive a 30 million yen bounty. None of the team know what to do. After witnessing Okumura's death, Haru leaves the Phantom Thieves at Destinyland. When she returns home, she overhears a meeting in the next room. She wonders why it is exactly that she wasn't invited to join in the meeting, since she is very important to the company. She overhears the high ranking employee's talking about how the company is in shambles, with Okumura's passing, shareholders pulling back and customer relations at an all time low. Haru wonders if she should go in and calm them down, but suddenly, the arguing amongst the workers stops. It stops, because Sugimura stands up. He tells the meeting board that they have an ally in him and his company, who would be happy to help with the damage. However, he says that the only way they can help is if the marriage between himself and Haru goes down as planned. Due to Okumura's passing, it had to be delayed, but it's not completely out the window as of yet. Haru is horrified at the fact Sugimura could be so selfish, but even more frightened that the workers just ate his words with little regard for her. The next time the Phantom Thieves meet up, and she's done grieving over Okumura, she explains what she overheard. Everyone is shocked and appauled at this news, as they all see that Sugimura is only willing to inherit the company for his own personal benefit, but suddenly, the Phantom Thieves are caught of guard when, for once, Ryuji says something wise.

"I think the only way we're going to restore peoples faith in us is if we keep goin' on. We gotta keep reforming society so that people'll trust us again. I bet Sugimura'd make a great comeback target."

While most of the team are reluctant at this idea, Mishima, Ann and Haru are all confident in Ryuji's words. Morgana admits he's impressed with Ryuji's thinking and says, albeit very reluctantly, that Ryuji may be right. Thus, the team comes to a unanimous decision. To ensure Haru, Okumura Foods, the Peoples and their own safety, they will change Sugimura's heart!

 To ensure Haru, Okumura Foods, the Peoples and their own safety, they will change Sugimura's heart!

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