Persona 5 AU Part 8: The Church of Anarchy

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The Phantom Thieves, Sojiro and Sae discuss what the possibilities of The Director's Palace may be. It becomes pretty obvious that the location is the Public Prosecutors Office and Makoto asks her older sister if maybe they could meet up at the building later. Sae smiles and reveals that while she is worried for their safety, she comes to realise that they've done this before, multiple times, so she tells her that they can. However, she makes a very interesting point that they should be very cautious with Ren now presumed dead, and if they go near the police station, there's a chance he could be found out. Furthermore, Akechi is still out there somewhere, so the chances of running into him again is now quite high. The thieves contemplate this, but since they've all already decided to go through with the plan, they're not going to back out now.

Later that day, the Phantom Thieves, Ren now clad in a sort of "disguise" meet up at the Prosecutors office (the time Ren spends incognito is a bit longer in this version. He has to remain this way until after Shido's Palace, but Kawakami still covers for him) Apparently, Ryuji, Yuuki, Futaba, Ann and Shiho have spent the whole day trying to find out what Tokuso's Palace is based on. The team discusses it and then they ask Sae if there's anything in particular that the SIU Director often says that may give them a hint. Sae tells them that he often says things like "If we don't clean up the trash, then who will?" and "I always want to believe there's a God out there, watching over us" At this point, Joker can choose from three options at what the Palace may be, but the right answer is Church. The Metaverse Navigator reacts and then surrounding turn a strange colour, hinting that the keyword was right. However, this is where things go slightly wrong. A couple of Policemen come out of the building and ask threateningly what the group is doing there. In a panic, Ann presses the button on the navigator and the Phantom Thieves are sucked into the Metaverse, bringing Sae with them!

When Ren as Joker recovers, he is outside the church, joined only by 3 of his team members, Wolf (Mishima as a reminder), Oracle and Mona

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When Ren as Joker recovers, he is outside the church, joined only by 3 of his team members, Wolf (Mishima as a reminder), Oracle and Mona. Due to how Ann accidentally pressed the button too early, there was a glitch. The Phantom Thieves are all in the Church-inspired Palace, but they've entered at different locations. The first mission of the Palace is to go in with the party members that you have and find the rest of them, all of them in pairs and battling a group of shadows. First you find Fox and Skull, then Noir and Shogun (Hifumi), then Phoenix (Shiho) and Panther, and then last you get to an alter like area and inside there's Makoto, fighting against a lot of different shadows, trying to defend her older sister. Sae is baffled at the sight of all the mysterious creatures, Shadows and Personas, but there's another figure there too. This is Shadow Tokuso, who takes the appearance of a priest. He notices the other Phantom Thieves and tells them that no matter how many of them show up, they'll never be able to defeat society, most certainly not him. For this fight, Makoto will be unavailable, as she can't fight the shadow anymore. When Joker and his party take her place and fight Shadow Tokuso and his shadow allies, something is immediately wrong. Tokuso casts some kind of prayer on the shadows that you fight, which makes them resistant to every kind of attack, physical, gun and elemental attacks. This is one of those fights that you can't win, and the screen transitions to a cutscene with the Phantom Thieves and Sae weakened before the evil priest. The SIU Director's Shadow tells the Phantom Thieves that despite his own personal feelings, the lord may still have a place for them in his new world. Yuuki asks Shadow Tokuso what he's talking about, but he does not give him a straightforward answer. "T-This whole time..." Sae begins to contemplate "you've wanted to stop criminals in your entire career, so why? Why do you side with the real evil scum?" "The lord is not evil, you are sorely mistaken," Shadow Tokuso tells her "and I would say that triggering mental shutdowns in society's worst people is a good way to snuffing them out...isn't that what you're doing, Phantom Thieves?" Ryuji firmly tells Tokuso that what he, Akechi and the Mastermind are doing is completely different from what they're doing, but he does not agree. Shadow Tokuso commands the powerful Shadow to attack the thieves and get rid of them, but as it lunges towards Joker, Sae jumps in the way and is sent flying into a wall. This makes Makoto furious and she punches the Shadow with full force, but it amounts to little. She is also sent back, but recovers. "Does she mean nothing to you!?" she exclaims to the SIU Director, but in response, Shadow Tokuso laughs and tells Makoto that he would have preferred it if Sae didn't stick her nose in the Phantom Thief Business, but it worked out for him in the end, as Sae made a wonderful decoy to lure them in. "Although, she's useless after all, since that trap didn't work..." he contemplates. At this, Sae gets up and, clutching her aching arm, advances towards the SIU Director. She tells him that if she means nothing to him, then it means she can go all out, without mercy. He laughs and asks her what she plans to do against him and Sae replies "Forget that...I don't need a plan anymore..." As if to answer further, Sae collapses to the floor and a voice rings in her head.

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