Chapter 4- Shredder/Stormcaller

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--The Past--

Today was the day.

Today was the day he would be mated. If the Goddess chose him, that was.

Storm lay on the mat beside him, drawing circles on Shredder's chest.

"How do you think she will look naked?" He asked. Shredder shrugged. "I will accept her however she is."

"She's very older than us. I bet she's very experienced." Shredder nodded.

"We will have to be ready for her." He cupped Storm's head and pulled him down for a kiss. Their lips clashed in a heated exchange. Storm straddled Shredder, like he usually did. Their cocks touched each other and Shredder groaned.

He was eager. He had to be careful and spend himself right here. So that he wouldn't come off as too eager when he was mating the goddess, if he was chosen.

Storm rubbed against him while he squeezed the other males ass. They only had each other till the goddess claimed one of them, they were quite close, had been together since childhood, sequestered and raised. Had fought and had killed together, except for last year, when Shredder had been captured by enemies for almost a month, they had never been apart.

"When the Goddess chooses you....will you come back to me? To take my virginity?" Storm asked as he circled Shredders cockhead with his thumb.

They were both virgins. Hadn't had sex, yet. Just some heavy petting and dry humping. They had to be virgins for the goddess. Shredder was surprised at the question, Storm was so sure that Soul Shredder would be picked.

"It is 'If', Storm. She could choose you."

He laughed and bent his head to nibble at Shredder's throat, Shredder in turn gripped the males erect shaft and pumped.

"She won't choose me. Of this, I am certain. "

"I am scarred. I am unappealing. You look better, have unblemished skin. You're perfect."

Storm growled and bit Shredder's neck lightly. Shredder closed his eyes, close to coming. Storm whispered in his ears. "The Goddess knows who is perfect. She will see your pure heart. She will see your soul."

"I am the Soul Shredder. I have no soul."

Storm chuckled and squeezed Shredder's cock until tears gathered in his eyes, but he liked it that way. He groaned and arched as he came, his semen shooting out over Storm's chest.

"We all have souls. I believe, what the full beasts did to you, changed you but didn't kill your soul." He stroked Shredder's face as the male calmed down from his high.

"Do you love me?" He asked Storm.

As an answer, Storm bent his head and kissed Shredder's lips. The kiss was slow and soft. Storm poured all his love into it.

"You understand that we can't ever be together. "

Storm nodded. "I understand. My love for you isn't strong yet, we've just come of age. These feeling have just come on. We'll be separated after a few hours. I'll find another to numb the the pain of your loss."

Storm shrugged. Shredder cupped his face, "If the Goddess lets me, then I will come to you. I will take you. One night."

Storm closed his eyes and relaxed against the palm on his face. "You will take my virginity?"

Shredder shook his head. "You will give it freely to someone else. I want you to feel no obligation. We're still young, we don't even know what love is. You will love someone and you will give yourself to them. I will have you only for one night."

Storm nodded, slowly. "So shall it be." He kissed the palm then placed it on his manhood.

"Now it's my turn." He grinned.

That night, they both stood before the Goddess. And she chose Shredder, as predicted.

As he left to the Goddess's chambers to be claimed, Storm was proud and sad at the same time.

He had the choice. He would choose who he wanted to give his body to. But poor Shredder. His life had been decided for him.

The reason Stormcaller knew that Shredder was the one who would be chosen....Shredder had been a child adrift in the lake. An unwanted burden to someone. He had been a full the world of half breed Dire Wolves. Storm had been deemed fit for the goddess due to the fact that his blood dated back to beta's purest bloodline, but Shredder...He was pure breed Alpha. It was what attracted Storm, what enticed him. And ultimately what enticed the Goddess.

Storm looked up at the skies and at the moon. "Dear Selene, Mother Moon. Please help him. "

He felt like the moon turned its face away as a cloud settled over it. It was a bad omen. Stormcaller crossed his heart and closed his eyes.

Shredder would have many trials to face.

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