Chapter 29- Soul Shredder

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--The Past--

The month had passed.

His deadline was over, his time was over. He had failed badly, he had undoubtedly given it his all, fucking female after female, slaking their thirsts, giving seed left and right, but it had all been for naught.

He was truly null.

A waste of space.

A useless Alpha.

He sat in his room, staring at the wall, awaiting his fate. There was no use for him here anymore, the one thing he was supposed to be good at, he was useless for.

He looked at his arms. Thin and weak, he was not strong, so his only use was his seed, and that too, was useless.

What was his reality anyway?

What was his reason for being born?

What was his mission in life?

Nothing now, he was to be given away to that male, he was to face a certain death, or a life of torture, of submitting to another Alpha.

You can always run, a voice whispered in his head, Run from this place, swallow your pride, run, live!

But run where? All his life, he had only ever known one meaning: to be the first consort of the Goddess, to be her absolution, her lover, the father of her children. Without that, he was nothing.

He remembered his time in the camp, the werewolf camp, where they trained young boys for war by showing them the brutality of life, deploying them into human battlefields, crushing the very life out of them, hardening them, leaving nothing but shells behind.

He had been tortured, forced and beaten there, but there, he was not Soul Shredder, he was not an Alpha, not the consort. There he was one of the many boys learning the hardships of life. There he was nobody, but at the same time somebody, there, he had a purpose, a true purpose.

He stood up, creeping towards the door.

When he looked out, the hallway was empty of all guards, ofcourse, who would guard him? He was the first consort, absolutely smitten with the Goddess, he had given his heart, soul and body to her. Why would they doubt him?

A voice whispered from the end of the hallway, the Goddesses voice.

He slipped out of his wretched room, sneaking through the cave-like hallway, towards the Goddesses room at the end of the dark expanse.

"A grave fate." The Goddess said. "He does not deserve such pain."

"He is null." The second consort shot back. "Once he is out of your care, you need not worry about his fate."

"How can I sit back when an innocent is being punished?"

"He is not innocent." The evil Alpha hissed. "He is null, he is unimportant, useless!"

The Goddess moaned. He then realized that behind the thin curtains, the two were mating, the sounds of skin hitting skin reached his ears, the familiar smells reached his nose, his own cock hardened, used to the call of a female, but he was not here for that, he...wanted to know if she cared, if she felt of him. Even the slightest emotion would give him life, even a single word of love, would keep him alive for centuries to come.

"I do not wish this upon him." She gasped.

The Alpha snarled. "Females are less, my Goddess, we need holes to slake our lust, he will be treated well, better than he should be."

"Being forced to submit in a whore house? Do you think that is good treatment?"

Soul Shredder fell back against the wall, suddenly unable to breathe. The Alpha intended to send him to a whore house! A whore house in the pack lands was reserved for useless Alpha and Beta, they were used as vessels to slake the lust of Alpha who needed tight channels and could find no female in their time of needing. Even humans were given higher status than the 'vessels' in the whore house.

Shredder didn't wait, he didnt want to hear further. He left, running out into the open clearing. Suspiciously, but luckily, there was no one around to stop him, no one to watch him break.

He never really had anyone, did he?

He soon reached a cliff overlooking a deep waterfall, a lone tree stood beside him, covering him from the sun, from prying eyes.

He couldn't go to a whore house. He couldn't live that life. He wasn't going to let that happen to himself. He would rather die.

He took a step closer to the waterfall, it was easy really, to let the water lead him home, to let it lead him away, cleanse him, liberate him.

"I knew your future was going to be full of troubles the day you were chosen." He did not turn at the sound of Stormcaller's voice. It was only fitting that Storm would be the one that found him, the only one he would listen to.

"I'm going to do it, Strom." He said, his voice sounding grave to his own ears. "I can't live here."

"I'm not going to stop you, Shredder." His friend's voice was calm, unlike the feeling in his own chest. How could Storm be so calm? Then again, it was not him who was to be sent to a whore house, it was not him that was standing so close to the cliff, one step and Shredder would be gone, maybe Stormcaller was calm because he knew it, maybe he was calm because he wanted Shredder to step back.

But he had made his decision. He was not going back there, he was not going to be anyone's whore.

"See, Shredder." Storm said. "We all come to one point in our lives where we must make a choice. The Dire choice. "

Wind blew, the sun was covered by clouds, Shredder wished that the moon was above them, watching over him, but wishes were nothing, just like him.

"Make your choice, and know that I support you. No matter what you chose."


He had been wrong.

Storm was not trying to bring him back, he was telling him that he respected him. Respected his choices.

Tears bloomed in his eyes, he closed them, not willing to be weak, even though Storm could not see his face.


It had been so long since someone had respected him.

"I'm going to do it." He repeated, strengthening his resolve.

"I'm ready to do it."

"You are strong enough to do it." Storm agreed, he sounded so wise, even so young. But wise, so wise.

"Let it be known that it was my choice. "

"The Dire choice." Storm said, repeating his cryptic assessment, those sad words.

The Dire choice. He was making the dire choice. Did he fear its consequences? Did he fear death?

He looked down at the waterfall as he spread his thin arms.

"It was my choice." He repeated. He didn't see it, but he felt his friend nod, he sensed the tears in the air, he scented the Goddess, his beloved Goddess, watching from afar, half naked, having rushed out of the cave, sensing him.

He looked back then, as he jumped, meeting her eyes as he plunged to a certain fate, a fate that he had chosen.

A dire choice indeed.

The Dire Choice (Otherworld Series #7)Where stories live. Discover now