I feel so smug that I'm writing my books so fast.
Otherworld Series has been trapped in my head for so long, I can't wait to get it out.
The Dire Choice and the next two books featuring Soul Shredder and Beth are going to be the highlight of the series, my best books so far, my absolute babies.
I know I promised that I'll keep happy endings, and I really cried when I wrote Omega's suicide and it's not even that sad, but there has to be some depth in the story. I just can't wait to get it all out, it's like this constant hole in my chest, but I just think that's my anxiety speaking.
So, some of you were pointing out that Munroe said that she helped Beth get away, and Beth said that Falcon Bloodrunner helped her get away, if you'd read The Demon Covenant (Otherworld Series #6) then you'd remember that Munroe, Falcon Bloodrunner and a number of other people are all just the Mother (All powerful being who made the universe but got trapped into the Well of Souls for meddling too much) in disguise, again meddling.
So, the next book will be called The Dire Chance (The Otherworld Series #8).
I can believe I've reached to book number 8, ofcourse ignoring the horrible writing I've done in The Vampire Slave (Otherworld Series #1).
This is like my journey of a lifetime, and I'm not even old.
So, release date of book number 8? I don't know, I'm just going to say 'SOON'. And by 'SOON' I mean very 'SOON' or not 'SOON' enough at the same time.
So, that's alot of 'SOON's.
Check back every Sunday for the Q&A. DM me your questions regarding the Otherworld Series.
The Dire Choice (Otherworld Series #7)
Lobisomem"Alpha, where are you?" I ask. And suddenly he looks down at me. His eyes normal once again. I saw a flash of anger in the blue depths, along with desperate frustration. In one swift move, he was off me and pacing the floor of the cave. I instant...