Chapter 27- Omega/ Renmisia.

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--The Past--

Omega laboured at the line of trees, aching with various bruises and wounds on her body.

Her worst fears had come to pass, the woman of the village had found her in the barn, hiding, belly swollen. They were angry that she was 'stealing' their men, the wife of the farmer had started the stone pelting.

They had driven her away, taken everything from her, her meager belongings, a few coins she had earned working as a barmaid, the clothes that had been discarded by others, that had belonged to her for a while, even the clothes on her own body were torn and bloody, she coughed a little blood, sensing the presence in the air.

"Whosoever did this to you?" The gentle voice called, the wind blew, her hair was smoothed back, she felt the presence at her back, running cold hands over her face, soothing her.

"Omega." It was her mother's voice, she barely recognized it anymore, it had been so long.

She coughed again as a tight rope of pain circled her womb, the child was coming.

"Mother..." She gasped. Renmisia ran her soothing hands over the broken body of her daughter, cupping the swollen belly, the child that squirmed inside, being forced to come out early.

"It's too soon!" Omega cried.

"Shhh." Renmisia said, calmly holding her labouring daughter.

"It is healthy enough to breathe life. Concentrate, Omega. " She tore away the remaining clothes, spreading thin thighs.

By the gods! Omega was spindly thin, malnourished, the child was eating her from the inside out.

Tears bloomed in Renmisia's eyes, to see her beloved daughter like this. A voice whispered in her mind, You did this to her, you abandoned her, you cursed her.

For the first time in centuries, Renmisia doubted herself, she hated herself, her responsibilities, her powers.

Omega cried out. She was riddled with bruises and cuts. Who had done this to her?! Renmisia would smite them, they would know the anger of a mother, the pain and the rage, but these thoughts, they were only thoughts, she could never hurt the humans, she was bound by her actions.

Surely the humans had done this to Omega, Alpha's words were still sharp in her ears, Omega knew not who was the father of her child, she knew not among the many men who had wronged her, whose seed it was that had taken root within her.

If Renmisia avenged Omega, her people would assume that she had forgiven her and they would dare to repeat the same actions she had, they would assume that the Goddess was lenient, lazy. She couldn't let that happen, no matter her love and pain for Omega, she was the Goddess before she was a mother.

And now Omega too, would be a mother.

The birth was slow. Renmisia assisted her throughout the ordeal. She wiped away sweat, tears and blood, bore the pain along with her daughter and on one final scream, the child slid out, into the awaiting arms of the Goddess.

"It is female." She declared over the cries of the newborn. The pup was not able to breathe very well, was still too small and weak, but it had a great will to live, astounding bravery, courage.

This one would live a long and bountiful life.

Renmisia held her daughter in her arms as she placed the child on its mothers chest.

"Behold your offspring, Daughter."

Omega panted for breath, tears slipping down, she placed a hand on her pup's back, caressing the newborn, feeling it for one last and the first time before she bid it adeu.

"Mother..." She gasped, so very tired, so very much in pain.

"Please, I have one request."

Renmisia stood over her daughter and grand daughter, knowing already what Omega was going to ask, she would agree ofcourse, the child deserved none of the pain her mother had borne, this time Renmisia would raise her right.

"You wish for me to take her." She stated. Omega opened shiny eyes, looking up at her mother, she carried the child on thin arms, raising it towards her mother, towards the Goddess.

"The world I live in is no place for her."

Renmisia took the child, her own hands shaking. "I shall care for her as my own. I shall raise her better than I raised you." She promised. "You can visit her, here, each day if you wish it."

Omega shook her head, tired eyes almost closing. "I have found a better place, a place where I will find peace and love, where I will be treated right. I will leave this night. I will never return, hence."

"Is this true?" The Goddess asked sadly, "Why not take your child with you, daughter?"

"No." She shook her head, tears falling. "I want her here, with you. Where I know that she will always be safe, always be loved."

Renmisia reluctantly nods. Sad to see her daughter go, confused at the lingering feeling of dread that suddenly took place in her chest.

She revealed one pale breast and latched the child onto it. "I shall raise her as my own." She declared again.

Omega nodded and Renmisia turned to leave, wishing her daughter a long life ahead, to wherever she wished to go. Before she disappeared, she turned one last time.

"Omega." She called to the broken body on the forest floor. "Your decision will decided your child's future."

Weary eyes turned to her, a bloodsmeared face, a malnourished body, fallen so sadly in the grass, the moonlight shone right upon her.

"Who do you choose, Alpha or Beta?"

Omega looked up at the moon with vacant eyes. She did not even need to think, she knew her answer, she had made her decision, her choice, the dire choice.

"Alpha, for I saw true love in his eyes. "

Renmisia left.

The feeling of dread in her chest. She should have acted on it, she should not have left Omega alone in the forest. She should have held her hand, swallowed her pride, asked more questions about this, peaceful place she was going to.

The next morning, on the lone tree that stood, overlooking the pack lands, hung a naked broken body, a mask of absolute peace on its face.

Omega had made her choice.

Leaving behind darkness and pain.

The Dire Choice (Otherworld Series #7)Where stories live. Discover now