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She was shackled, trapped.

She had been, for centuries.

She didn't even know how long it had been. How many days, weeks, years, decades, aeons. Was the world the same as it had been when she had lived?

She remembered the sky, the water, the mud. She remembered her people, the dire wolves. She remembered the humans, the humans who had mistreated her, who had raped her, beaten her. 

She remembered her mother, Renmisia. Her daughter, the unnamed Omega, the last of her line.

After her death, her spirit had been stolen by the Dragon witch. She'd been shackled here all her life since, trapped in the Well of Souls, hidden so well that even the all powerful Mother, who resides in the Well, did not know that she was here.

Tendrils of purple smoke wrapped around her, the witch had come calling again. She tried to whimper but the sound died in her throat.

"Omega..." That hated voice whispered.

"Do you have enough power?" It asked.

Omega nodded. She was trapped here, forced to do as the witch told her to, or her children would suffer, the children in the cave would suffer badly.

Each time she needed power, the witch came to her, forcing her to call upon the consort, act like his Goddess, pretend to be her mother Renmisia and manipulate him into giving her his power.

By the gods, they had done such bad things to him, it made her eyes burn, a descendant of Alpha, he did not deserve the things done to him, the....treasures stolen from him.

"You will keep this power to yourself, Omega."

Dread creeped into her heart, the witch never asked her to keep the power....unless...no. "No!" She screamed. "I will not do it! Not again!"

A slap hit her cheek, the witch held her face, showing her the image of a cave, frozen with ice, children, her children, her descendants, they slept frozen in blocks of ice, trapped since ages, just like her.

Every once in a while, Omega gained enough power to secretly free one of her children and send them out through the river.

"No! Please!"

The witch aimed at the youngest child, her most beloved one. A male Omega, a rare male Omega, barely in his teens. She made her hand into a claw, fisting it until the child started jerking in his sleep, his mouth open in a silent scream.

"Please! Dont!" She cried, but the witch turned her fist, the child hand turned unnaturally, its fragile bones cracking.

"I'll do it! Please! Stop! Please!" She sobbed, hands outstretched towards her descendant, wishing she could hold him, comfort him.

The image disappeared, the darkness overtaking again. Omega cried softly as the witch invaded her mind again.

"I knew I could always count on you, Omega." The witch laughed, leaving Omega as quickly as she had come.

She was going to have to do it again, she was going to have to steal the fragile life seeded by the Alpha.

For any child born of the Alpha consort was set to rule the world, was set to be the downfall of the Dragon witch, hence for ages, Omega was forced to steal the souls of each child that he had seeded.

Now again, he had seeded a child. And again, she was going to have to takes it's life.

She looked up at the darkness. "Pleass, Mother Moon! Help me!"

There was alas no reply, there never really was anyway. And Renmisia, she could hear no more.

"Help me!" She screamed.

She screamed and screamed until blood welled in her throat and she could scream no more.

And deep, hidden in the darkness, nobody heard her screams.

The Dire Choice (Otherworld Series #7)Where stories live. Discover now