Chapter 13- Omega/ Alpha.

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--The Past--

The night darkens the sky as Omega, once again stands at the line of trees, the silent spectator.

This night, it was not Alpha, but Beta in the clearing, it was Beta who was rutting a young female, probably a former virgin who had come of age this night. It did not seem like Beta to be acquiring, she would understand Alpha rutting a new female, but not Beta.

"Your eyes search me."

She spinned around so fast that she got dizzy. Taking ahold of the bark of the tree behind her, Omega placed a hand on her chest, trying to calm herself, she hated being approached from behind, too many men had done that to her, leaving her defenceless.

Alpha was glorious in the moonlight, only trousers covered him, his bared chest making her salivate.

He purrs for her, soothing her with the deep rhythm that eminates from his chest and reverberates deep inside her own.

Omega closes her eyes and rests against the tree, when he steps closer, she is calm and languid. He wraps an arm around her and cradles her to him, placing a hand on her swollen belly.

"It is true, then. You are with pup."

She nods against his chest, a little surprised that he wasn't disgusted by her, like Beta had been.

He nuzzele her hair, "Another man has impregnated you, but you still are irresistible to me."

"Beta did not think the same."

"Beta is a fool."

He kisses her forehead, his strong arms covering her in a protective embrace.

"You should have chosen me, Omega. Our pups would have been beautiful. I would keep you safe."

Tears sting her eyes, regret heavy on her chest. "What is done, is done, I cannot go back, I cannot change my decisions. " Her voice cracks.

"Beta has been spreading these rumours." Alpha says, then, his voice heavy with anger towards their brother. "He says you are whoring yourself for food, living with a mated male, being used freely by the males in your village. I refuse to believe his words." His hand strays to her heavy womb.

"Some are correct if you are heavy with child, tell me, Omega." He holds her away, placing kind hands on her shoulders, she barely reached his chest, he was really tall, hulking with his strength and muscles. She yearned to feel him close again.

"Tell me that you have found a male who loves you. That you are being respected and cared for."

Omega does not meet his eyes, silent tears slip down her face, in that one moment, Alpha can feel the pain in her chest, the yearning, the guilt, the regret. It's like an angry ball of knots, waiting to break free, tearing apart the life it holds in its hands, Omega is being eaten alive from inside.

Alpha makes a chocked sound of pain. Omega was the love of his life, being away from her was ripping him apart but he'd been living in a delusion that she was safe, that she was content. She was akin to a Goddess, the humans should have fucking respected her, worshipped her.

"Please, Omega." He says, voice heavy with pain and hope. Pain, because he knew the reason she did not meet his eyes and hope, that he might have been wrong. "Who is the father?"

When she looks into his eyes, he sees a broken female, with unimaginable old eyes, eyes that have seen too much.

"The woodcutter who found me in the forest, or the pub owner who offered me shelter the first night. The man whose barn I hide in, or the priest who tried to bless me off my whoring ways. I do not know."

A broken sob leaves his lips, one never heard from Alpha, one she would probably never hear again. He was too proud, but her truth had brought him to his knees, it had ripped out that sound from his barrel chest.

He leaves her there, broken and alone, too overwhelmed by his feelings, by his sense of injustice and his sense of guilt. He was Alpha, he was the protector of his pack, he hadn't protected Omega, he hadn't saved her from all she had to see and live.

He stumbled past his brother in the clearing, past the pack members who stopped to greet him. They all looked like strangers to him, his eyes were hooded in a blanket of pain.

When he reached his mothers throne, he fell to his knees before her.

"Please. " He pleaded. "Forgive her. Let her come home. She suffers."

He did not have to take her name, for the mother knew who he spoke of.

"Omega is paying for her sins."

Alpha snarls then, angry at the mask of indifference on her face, at her lack of feeling for her own child. "She is being mistreated by the humans! She was afraid by the sight of my very shadow!"

"You are forbidden to speak to the outcast." The Mother says, her mask of indifference in place.

"How can you not feel for her! She is carrying a child! She has been raped by so many men that she does not know who the father is! "

The cold face cracks, tears bloom in the Goddesses eyes, she closes her eyes and shakily lowers herself into the throne of stone, her consorts enter the cave, his father and a new male chosen to replace Omega's father, who, ashamed of his daughter, had left the pack to live with his kin.

It seemed like everyone she knew had turned their backs on her. She had nothing anymore.

But Alpha would stand for her. He would defend her. He would do anything to help her.

The Mother told him to leave. She did not tell him what she would do to help Omega, if she would help her at all, but satisfied that he had cracked her exterior, Alpha left.

He went to the forest. Back to Omega.

But when he reached there, she had left.

He touched the lone tree that overlooked the clearing. Wishing he could have held her for longer.

Wishing he had told her that no matter what, he still loved her.

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