12 이 전화가 누구야? (Who owns this phone?)

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Time seemed to pause a little as Hoseok tried to stop the phone from being on Speaker mode, but unfortunately, time also seemed to suddenly accelerate as he couldn't act with enough time

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Time seemed to pause a little as Hoseok tried to stop the phone from being on Speaker mode, but unfortunately, time also seemed to suddenly accelerate as he couldn't act with enough time.

"We found a phone near one of the bridge pylons, it's in very poor condition but luckily that pylon's terrain was more elevated and the speed of the flow was not enough to drag it into the vastness of the river length."

Jungkook looked at Hoseok, who looked pale as Seokjin and Namjoon were looking at the phone, eyes wide.

"I hope that this conversation stays confidential between us" told their boss, his voice carrying a 'warning' under tone. "As I know about our youngest infatuation with the victim."

Jungkook ears tinted red as he avoided the model's gaze. He also felt betrayed.

Seokjin, tired of being left in the dark, decided to join in the conversation.

"Aigoo Jungkook-ssi" said while leaving Namjoon's arms, the purple haired man preparing himself from the caos his friend might start while smiling a little at his antics. "You could have said that you were my fan!" Then, he hugged the younger officer and put the younger's head into his chest. "so I can bathe you will all my love and care as a thank you for helping to protect me~"

While Jin sat between both policeman and hugged the bunny, said one looked flustered and the other was looking pale at the sudden silence behind his phone

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While Jin sat between both policeman and hugged the bunny, said one looked flustered and the other was looking pale at the sudden silence behind his phone. He could feel the seconds advance in a painful kind of way.

Each second hit his lungs, heart and brain. An angry Chanyeol was a fearsome one. He was like a white sky... you look at it, feel cold but have to wait for the snow to start falling.

"Hoseok" chillingly said the head police, voice too cold.

Hoseok gulped, his addam's apple going up and down at the movement of his throat. Jungkook closed his eyes, anticipating the crash while fighting the model's surprisingly strong arms, that kind of hurt him. He felt like a pirate ship between the tentacles of a Kraken. Said Kraken being an angelic and beautiful looking being.

"Did you" resumed the silver haired one.

Hoseok palms started to sweat.

"Forget" dramatically pausing and voice dropping some more decibels.

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