14 Sorry (미안해)

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Seokjin wasn't ready for an anxious Joon, as he began to scream into the phone and deafened his right ear

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Seokjin wasn't ready for an anxious Joon, as he began to scream into the phone and deafened his right ear.

But hey, he ran away, so he totally deserved it.

Seokjin slowly drank his coffee, trying to not scald his tongue while listening to his friends ramblings.

"Are you crazy hyung?" screamed Joonie, his tone too high, almost as if he tried to hit a high note.

The model could hear an engine of a car rumbling and two muffled voices.


"Don't fffff- say sorry because you left without waking us up! You could have-"

Jin pouted as the other four people in that room (without Bang PD because he left to interview some Rockies) were picking up their things to head outside and interview other people.

So Jin just listened to his friend so he could blow up steam while he heard the others stand from their seats, bide their farewells and the door closing behind them.

"Hyung" Joon started.

"Namjoonah" Seokjin countered.

Both fell silent at the same time, waiting for the other to say something again. The only sound were their breath, Namjoon's labored from all the screaming while Jin silently breathed.

"I can't live my life scared of every shadow and problem that might come at me." started the model. "I know that I have a story, I know that you are worried Joon" his voice was quiet, like a bell being stuck in a soft summer breeze. "but I need to move on and live by myself."

Namjoon became silent at the other side of the call.

"I need to fight my fears by myself and" he paused to clear his throat, as it felt constricted by his nerves. "being protected twenty four hours a day by you and two polices is not going to help me get better."


Seokjin sighed, already done with their discussion.

"No buts Joonie" cut the model.

It was Namjoon turn to sigh.

"I know hyung " concedes the purple haired male. "but I need to know that you are okay so I'm coming right now to see you and hug you and then, if you want, talk about your little escape."

The model smiled and nodded his head, his long hair falling into his eyes.

"Okay" replied the model, the shadow of his smile on his voice. "I will wait for you in my company coffeeshop, in my usual place."

One breath, two breath, three breath.

A more calmer breath.

Namjoon was now smiling, maybe his dimples showing. He could never get angry for long with him. He loved him too much for that.

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