42 이유가 뭐예요? (What's The Reason?)

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It was quite frustrating to cooperate with other police officers, but they had to do it as the body was discovered in another district where they didn't have enough jurisdiction nor power to take charge of the investigation

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It was quite frustrating to cooperate with other police officers, but they had to do it as the body was discovered in another district where they didn't have enough jurisdiction nor power to take charge of the investigation.

That was the reason why Jungkook sat on their patrol car, looking at the constantly moving red and blue lights from the police cars and the crowd stacked around the police perimeter. Hoseok sat beside him, silent and still angry with him, yet, he didn't even try to get ask for an explanation and just gave him the silent treatment.

Their boss, Chanyeol, was talking with the other police station's head, tense, trying to get as much information and briefing as possible. Looking at his frown, it wasn't going really well.

They were all pretty much bored and tired, waiting for something when  Eun-woo entered the car, wearing his forensic clothes and looking really, really uncomfortable. In the other hand, he was handsome as always, even with his seemingly bloodied gloves.

He sighed, rolling his neck to relax and Hoseok and Jungkook looked at him expectantly.

"So, what happened?" Both of them asked at the same time and looked at each other. Hoseok rolled his eyes.

Eun-woo almost laughed, smiling at their antics. Yet, decided to ignore their little quarrel, as it wasn't the first time that it happened.

"He drowned," He said, stating a fact. "Apart from that, he was a pretty much healthy teen with a long life ahead, he didn't really fight against whoever killed him, just tried to escape but couldn't. As for the room, the only clue is a small paragraph written on his computer. All the other traces belong to the deceased. We didn't find anything suspicious, not even a hair nor fingerprint. Whoever did this knew how to hide, as he/her evaded all the cameras, even the webcam of the deceased's computer. Right now, there's a team searching for someone suspicious on neighbor security cameras, even the ones inside of cars. They haven't found anything, at least, not yet"

He took a bottle of water from under the back seat and drank a bit of it.

"Ingguk-hyung is working with them, trying to find something" He finished and closed his eyes. "But he is definitely going bald today, as it's been hours and no clue yet"

Jungkook sighed, feeling useless.

It supposedly had to be an easy case. A simple disepparecence where a supermodel was strongly involved with. They had to protect said model once he started to receive strange calls and got to know about the little stalker case of Jackson's. Also, control and investigate him, just in case. No one was free of being suspected. But, they got attached. They found weird trails that brought to other and, after them, to more confusing tracks. The model seemingly was now located in the center of some plot where a lot of people seemed to be involved.

Hoseok straightened his back once he saw their approaching boss. Chanyeol leaned against the door and put both hands on top of it. He looked tired and sleep-deprived. A man with too many coffees on his veins.

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