this story is not dead

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It's been a while!

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It's been a while!

To the old and new followers of this little story..... I'm here to say that it's not dead!

It's been a while, how are you all?

Missed your comments and heartfelt words 💕

It's been a while and my life became really messy since my grandfather's death, so I wasn't in the mood to write and started reading a lot of fanfiction to keep my mind from going to dark and sad places.

Finished college, my father's little company collapsed because of covid and had to help him with all the closing process which was sad and heartbreaking.

I felt bad that I left my story in such a cliffhanger and let you all alone for some months :((((

I want to assure you that this story is not dead. I'm continuing it, correcting some parts and rereading it so the story in my head makes sense and its worthy of your time.

I started to hate the way I write, thinking that my English is not enough. I hated, and hated, and hated it so badly.

I hope that it's enough for you to keep enjoying it, reading through its chapters and worth waiting for it.

This story became bigger than I thought.

Many visitors, too many likes.

I felt pressured and lost because my small ramblings reached so many people and wow, never thought that it would reach so many people.

Thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you for not abandoning it and for all the votes which my day, everyday, during these dark and moody days.

I missed you.

I'm back and soon will update 💜

Love you,

Missed you,


The Photographer [Taejin] Where stories live. Discover now