thirty one

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Adriana's P.O.V

The 7th period bell rang and I was the first one out the door. I sped walked to the front gate and went straight to my car. I just needed to get the hell out of this school already.

Everyone, and I mean everyone, was either talking about the fact that Jack and I had sex, or they were talking about how I was the reason why Sam and Jack fought.

All these girls gave me dirty looks all throughout the day and some boys asked if I would have sex with them sometime. I was literally being harassed.

After I got in my car, I drove straight home. I didn't even bother to play any music. Since I was driving in silence I had this opportunity to start thinking about everything with Jack.

I really felt bad that I exploded on him. I blamed him for everything and didn't even let him explain himself. I had to apologize to him. I was going to text him, but I felt like he needed a real sincere apology in person.

I entered my neighborhood. I drove past my house and made my way to Jack's. I figured he'd be home since he was more than likely suspended because of the whole fight with Sam. I parked in front of his house and I only saw one car, his Jeep. He has to be home.

I walked up the path to his front door and rang the doorbell. I waited there for a whole and I heard the door unlock. The door opened and there I saw a shirtless Jack. It was hard to move my eyes away from his perfect body. He must've noticed how distracted I got cause he let out a small laugh.

I drew my eyes back to his face. Poor Jack, he had two already formed bruises on his face. I looked into his eyes and smiled.

"Came to check up on me or what?", he chuckled.

"No—Yeah. I mean.", I let out a loud sigh.

"I came here to apologize to you.", I told him.

He lifted an eyebrow and looked at me confused.

"Apologize? To me?", he asked.

"Yea...", I started off.

", I'm sorry for assuming that you told everyone about our uhm...little hookup.", I finished.

"Oh, it's cool. I understand.", he told me.

"And I'm sorry for not letting you explain.", I added.

"Don't even worry about it.", he slightly smiled.

We stood there awkwardly. Neither of us saying a word.

"So, are you like suspended from school?", I asked him.

I mentally slapped myself for asking such a stupid question, of course he got suspended, he was in a fight at school.

"Yeah, this whole week actually.", he told me.

"Do you want to come in? Maybe inspect my injuries?", he smirked.

I playfully rolled my eyes and walked in. He shut the door behind us and we walked up the stairs to go to his room. I walk into his room and it was actually clean. No clothes on the floor, all the trash was out of his room, and it smelled good.

"I see you've cleaned up a bit.", I said as I looked around.

"I figured if you were going to be spending a lot of time here, I might as well clean it up for you. Told ya I'd change.", he told me as a smile slowly formed on his lips.

I raised a brow at him.

"What makes you think I'm going to be spending a lot of time here?", I asked him.

"Well when you're my girlfriend...", he winked at me.

"I thought you never settled down.", I smirked.

"Only if it's you baby girl.", he winked again and I couldn't help but blush a little.


Jack and I have spent the last two hours watching Friends on Netflix. In those two hours we've also talked and got to learn more about each other. I liked this part of Jack, the good part of Jack.

Now that I've seen this part of Jack and now that I know he's willing to change, it made my feelings for him grow stronger. Sure, I was scared. There was a possibility that he could hurt me, but there's also a chance that he's actually going to take us serious, that is if it even happens.

He hasn't really implied that he wanted me to be his girlfriend, other than earlier today when we talked about his clean room.

I looked at the time and thought that I should go and work on my homework.

"Hey Jack, I think I'm going to head home.", I said as I got up from his bed.

"Let me walk you home.", he got up as well.

"No that's fine, I drove here. My car is outside."

"Let me walk you to your car.", He insisted and we walked out to my car.

Once we got to the drivers door we stopped.

"Thanks for today, and I'm sorry that you got in a fight cause of me.", I laughed the last part.

"Don't even worry about it. Sammy had it coming.", he chuckled.

I smiled at him and looked around. This was awkward. Jack was pretty awkward. I guess it's because he's new to the whole 'good person' thing.

"Well I should drive home already.", I told him as I opened the door.

"Wait!", he closed my car door.

He noticed that he was a little too aggressive just now and apologized. I smiled at him to let him know it was ok.

"I don't know how to put this, but uhm," he scratched the back of his neck.

", would you maybe want to, you know, go out?", he asked.

"Is Jack Gilinsky asking me on a date?", I pretended to be shocked.

"Yeah, he is.", Jack laughed.

"Hmm, I don't know.", I told him and watched as his expression changed to confused.

"Wait? What? Why not?", he asked.

"First, I have to call my best friend and ask her if it's a good idea.", I opened my car door.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes.", I got into my car.

"So when do I get an answer?"

"Don't know. Bye.", I smiled at him and closed the car door.

I put on my seatbelt, started the car, and looked at him one more time before I drove off. He had a confused face but then smiled. I smiled back and drove home.


Ok did this suck? I feel like this sucked lol but I hope it wasn't too cringe I wanted to make it cute and show that Jack is actually changing. I hope this isn't moving too fast for you guys.

ALSO, some of you have been asking me for the picture of the book cover so I added it to the top lol.

AND ONE MORE THING, should I change the cover? Do you guys think it's fine and that I should leave it like this or should I change it? Let me know and also the comments always make me laugh so if you guys want keep commenting lol. Also the votes help me see if you guys like the chapter or not lol.

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