Chapter 10

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"Feyre darling" Rhys whispers in my ear. I groan and bat my hand at his face begging him to go away so I could sleep a bit longer. "Mhmmmmm go away, I'm tired. I'm sleeping for two now."

A deep rumble escaped from his chest and his laugh was the purest thing on Prythian. "Darling I don't think it works that way." I shushed him. He was talking so loud. "Well it does now." I mumbled and turned so my face was in my pillow.

Rhys wrapped his arms around my torso and pulled me close to him wrapping us in his wings and causing a small Yelp to escape from my lips. "Rhys! Well I'm awake now." I giggled. I could never be annoyed at him long.

"Perfect now I can devour you" he said with a smirk. "right now? While I'm all up for a good ride" I said as I passed my fingers through his silky hair. "I think I might want to go to the bathroom first. This baby makes me have to go all the time." Again, another chuckle from him.

"Not that sort of devour, but I'm pleased to know you're up for it any time." I scrunched my face in confusion but before I could say anything Rhys climbed on top of me and began to give me tiny kisses all along my body while tickling me at the same time.

"Rhys" I managed to breathe out between laughs. "I-I can't. It tickles." "Fine" he stopped the tickles allowing me to breath, but the kisses continued, and a small pool of heat gathered in my stomach. Rhys no doubt smelling the change growled in response and his tiny kisses sped up until his mouth reached mine and the room, the bed around me disappeared. It was just the two of us, wrapped in each other's arms, kisses deep and passionate. It didn't matter that my bump was in the way, he found ways around it.

"Wait" I hissed. "ow Rhys that hurts" he pulled away quickly and scanned my body up and down for any injuries, for any harm he may have done. "I-I'm sorry Feyre" he whispered. I had rarely seen him stumble over words. But I was not sure it was him. He had never hurt me. Not intentionally or on purpose. "His eyes were growing darker and I quickly placed a hand on his cheek as a sat up and leaned against the back rest.

"No Rhys it wasn't you. I'm sorry I just couldn't tell." Understanding filled his eyes and he glanced at my stomach. "Do you want your potion?" He asked still a little weary. I shook my head and closed my eyes, head leaning against the headboard and groaned in pain.

Rhys it's not like it was before

I said again words too difficult to produce. I still drank the potion Rhys handed me, but the pain rolled on. It stopped for long enough to open my eyes and realize I was in Rhys arms. "Feyre look" his eyes traveled to my stomach and I saw what he saw. My baby was moving inside, and you could see it through the outside. A kick had me groaning, had Rhys holding me tightly, but none of us dared to look away as my stomach moved with the impact.

Rhys placed a hand over where the foot or arm indication was and the baby seemed to calm down, allowing me to breathe. "He likes you" I said as sweat rolled down my temple. "He likes both of us." Rhys said with such confidence my heart broke. "Can you get Madja for me? She said this wasn't supposed to hurt so much." "The potion isn't helping?" "No" even as I said if I could feel the pain returning as the baby moved again. "Ok she's on her way" "thank you" I replied snuggling my head into his chest and clutching his hand.

Rhys kisses the top of my head and rocked me back and forth telling me about his week to try and distract me from the pain. It wasn't long before Madja showed up. Rhys placed me on the bed gently before getting up to great her.

"Did you take the potion?" Madja asked after we described what was happening. "Yes, but this is a different pain. I can feel it. It's only when he moves." She sighed and rubbed her temples. "This is what I feared. Your baby is very powerful Feyre, even in your womb. I only fear it will get worse as the pregnancy continues. I can continue to give you different potions to cover the pain like the one I'll give you now, but I still don't know how to cure it or why it's happening. I'm sorry. I have even contacted my friends in the day court for access on what little books they have left, and I have still found nothing."

I covered her hand with mine as Rhys stroked my hair. Her frustration was obvious. "Madja, you have done more for us than we will ever know how to repay. We are forever in your debt." She nodded in thanks and with that I took the potion and the pain was already starting to dwindle. "You only have to take this one when he starts moving." She then turned around and stride out of the room.

"Everyone is downstairs worried." I smirked. "Overprotective fae bats" he laughed as he sat down next to me. Madja's words stayed in my head though. "Your baby is very powerful Feyre." It was the same thing Amren had said to me when we first told everyone. How she knew, I didn't know.

"Rhys get Amren." He looked at me in confusion but nodded and quickly walked out before entering with Amren.

"How did you know?" I asked calmly to Amren. Rhys obviously didn't know what I was talking about, so I sent him the memory of that day to his head and realization flashed in his eyes.

"I didn't lose all my powers during the Hybern war girl." She smirked. "I could feel, just as I can feel it now. I have to say it's much stronger now though." "Do you know why you can feel it" Rhys asked curiously. "No, I don't. But I can. And it already smells as powerful as you Rhys, well maybe a bit less but close to it. I wouldn't be surprised if it killed you before you even gave birth Feyre." My face blanched. I could feel it, but Rhys growled loud enough for Cassian, Mor, and Az to come up. Elain was still downstairs but Nesta was nowhere in this house.

"What did you say Amren." Mor, clearly annoyed asked. They all saw the defense position Rhys took in between Amren and I. "Oh just the truth, that the baby may kill Feyre before she gives birth to it. It's too powerful for its own good." At that Cass and Az growled, eyes filled with worry on me and Mor came around the bed to sit with me.

"That's a cruel thing to say Amren." She responded. "Feyre is stronger than most you know." "I do, that's why I said may. I'm not going to apologize because it's the truth Feyre, and you know it. You've known it for a while now. And if not, maybe you have thought about but now you know it's true. So, call off your dogs." Rhys head snapped to mine.

I didn't think it was true

I said to Rhys

His eyes turned soft. So soft with realization that he may lose me.

You are not going anywhere Feyre.

No, I'm not.

"I'm not dying over this baby." I said to all of them. "If what Amren said is true than I will rest, I will be careful, and Madja will help me. But I am not leaving you guys. Not yet." And they all calmed down. All at once. "Sleep Feyre." Rhys said as he kissed the top of my head and walked out of the room with everyone. I snuggled into the pillows and let sleep claim me. 

Did anyone expect that to happen? Here's another one my little readers. Thank you so much for the support I have gotten from you guys. It means everything.

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