Chapter 24

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"We're not doing it" I said as a greeting to my family all eating at the table. They all stopped and looked to where Rhys and I came downstairs to join them.

"Not doing.... what exactly." Cassian asked.

"We are not sending G to the camps. At least not now." Rhys replies. They all blew out a breath, like they were relieved G didn't have to face that yet.

"So what's the plan then?" Az asked already calculating. It was our turn to blow out a breath. "Well I think Rhys and I have something. It's risky but it may work just the same as the other plan."

"We wait here and let them come to us." Rhys stated. Cass and Mor's jaws opened but Az narrowed his eyes at us. Thinking on how it could work. Elain and Nesta were barely moving, processing and Amren was at home. I'll have to tell her later.

Cass replies first. "If you are talking about waiting for them to come here and then attack there's a very small chance, I can get my army in the city and attack. There's no room for them to fight."

I shook my head no and when Rhys was about to answer Az replied instead. "They don't mean to bring an army into this. It'll just be us. And maybe some other trusted high lords."

Rhys shook his head in confirmation and continued where Az left off. "While we may not be able to set a trap where they are, we can certainly set some up here when they're not expecting it."

"And what about the city?" Mor asked. "And the destruction this battle will bring."

"Or the citizens?" Nesta finally decided to speak up.

"The damage to the city is one we will have to take heavy precautions to prevent and a risk we might have to take." I paused to quickly scratch my mark, Rhys not missing a thing and while his face revealed nothing, I saw the concern in his eyes. "The citizens we can evacuate, or at least move towards the back of the city. Actually, Elain we were wondering if you would like to help with that? Maybe even lead it?"

Elain looked up; surprise written all across her face. "Me?" I nodded. "I would love to. Thank you." And I swear that was hope in her eyes. A task to help her get over Lucien's death. I quickly changed my thoughts before tears rose to my own eyes. I could think of no other person besides Mor to undergo this project and as I turned to her, I could tell she understood.

We spent hours planning and when we tumbled back upstairs, I almost plopped in bed when Rhys pointed to a letter on our desk. "This came from you today. From Lucien's office." I sat up quickly at that.

"What!?" He picked it up and brought it over to me, gently placing in on my hands. "Jurian and Vassa were cleaning out his office and found this letter addressed to you. It just arrived."

"And you didn't open it?" I asked raising a brow. He had the audacity to look hurt at the accusation. "Never Feyre darling" I smiled as I pinched him and opened the letter. I walked to the window to be able to read it with the moonlight.

Dear Feyre,

I'll make this short. I've gotten weird reports about the creatures deep inside your forests. I want to congratulate you on your baby and to not worry about this. You spend time with your baby and family, I will look into this for you. I'll visit as soon as I can. Tell Elain I say hello.



My hands trembled as I dropped the letter to the floor, processing the information. It didn't take long for me to crumble soon after and sob. 

Sorry for the short one this week.

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