Chapter 19

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By mid-day we are deep enough in the woods and decide to settle in a clearing. Rhys, Cassian and I fly down and as we hit the ground. Mor jumps out of Cassian's arms and Amren crawls out of Rhys's. How did I never notice the size difference between the two? I bit my lip to hide my smile and began to set up camp.

The creatures are more likely to show up at night. Rhys had said, with Cassian's agreement. After that day I rescued Rhys it was all a blur, but I do remember the footprints waiting outside the cave. The eyes staring back at me as I winnowed to find him. We were bait pretty much.

"You forgot a spot" Rhys said from behind me. I turned around and was met with a face full of his chest. I took a step back so I could peer into his eyes. "Where?" "Right" he moved his hand to my cheek and scraped at some dry blood I must have missed. "Here. There." I leaned into his hand. "How does my face look?" "Like a beautiful bruised banana." I slapped him across the chest and Cassian and Mor could not keep in their laughs from across the camp.

He leaned in and kissed my mouth once, twice. Then he moved up and kissed my swollen eye, my cheekbone, my temple. "There all better." He claimed and I smiled. "It's actually healing fast thanks to your powers. I would say maybe by mid-day tomorrow it'll be gone." I nodded and began to work again. Picking up wood for the fire either Rhys or I would start.

He looked like he was going to say something but closed his mouth and began to help me with the wood. After a few minutes his voice filled my head.

I'm sorry. He said.

I bristled in confusion. For what could he possibly be sorry for? But I kept quiet. Let him think

For putting you in a position where you have to gain their respect for us. For-

I cut him off, dropping the firewood from my arms to cup is face with both hands.

I chose to be in that position the minute I accepted to be your mate Rhys. I chose to be in that position the minute you swore me in as high lady. And I still choose to be in that position now. To fight for our court. For our family. For our son Rhys. I knew what loving you meant. All the responsibilities and dangers. But as long as it keeps me with you and our family. As long as it holds everything and everyone I love.... I will fight for it. So don't Rhys, don't be sorry for something I chose. You did not force anything, remember that. You are worth it.

Tears streamed down his face and it seemed my family scattered into the surrounding woods. I wiped them off and kissed him deeply. "I love you Rhys. Your mine and always will be." And he wrapped me in his arms kissing my lips, my cheeks, my throat.

"If you two could do that a little later, that would be great." Mor said with Cassian grumbling his agreement. I pulled out of Rhys arms and laughed, grabbing the wood and bringing it to the center of camp.

Later that day as the sun began to drop below the mountain peaks we all shared a final meal before our hunt began. "Did you check in with Elain and Nesta?" I asked Rhys who should have sent a note to them a little while ago.

"Yes darling. Gawain is fine." I nodded and the itching inside my skin retracted a little.

I know he said.

I want to be with him so bad it hurts. He added

I miss him and I've only been gone a day.

He rubbed my hand

"You know." Mor started

"I've been thinking."

"Oh no." Cassian said resulting in a smack from Mor. The sun indeed slipped over the top of mountains casting the sky in a hazy blue. We began to stand and suit up except for Rhys who was still eating.

"As I was saying, I think after seeing G you guys should have another baby. A girl hopefully."

Rhys choked. Choked and I tripped on my own two feet. Amren scoffed and continued to arm herself. Cassian smartly stayed out of this.

"A-another one!? What is Gawain not enough- "I began but Rhys cut me off.

"What I believe Feyre is trying to say cousin," Rhys stood up, discarding his plate and began to arm himself in vicious blades that showed just how dangerous these monsters were if indeed the strongest high lord in history needed to protect himself.

"Is that we just had Gawain. And he is a lot right now. But yes cousin, in the future Feyre and I plan to give G siblings." "Hmph" she replied. I laughed and walked by Mor, sticking my tongue out at her before standing next to Rhys.

"So what now?" I asked. "Now, we wait." Cassian replied. But it was not long until the creatures began to creep up along our camp. But it was not enough.

Amren said we needed to wait until we could see them, only then could we perform the task she told us. Each of our roles so vital that one mess up could mean profound injuries that I didn't want to think about. Not with a baby waiting for me at home. Waiting for his family.

So we all stood back to back, waiting for them to make a move. And when the clouds covered the moonlight, when the darkness became so dark that I had to switch my eyes to adapt, it attacked. I couldn't see the creature. Not because of the darkness, but because it was covered in a fog of black. But it was enough for our plan to begin.

Cassian started the first step, casting out his hand and trapping the creature in a box of red adamant power from his siphons. Even with all seven, his magic strained; that's when Mor started her part. She twisted her hand and the creature shrieked. But it paused it's fight for long enough for me to attack. I closed it in a bubble of a new power Rhys, and I found. All my powers combined in one blinding light. I encased the creature in my power like a second skin, not allowing it to use its own power. Mor and Cassian dropped their magic allowing Amren to step up close to the creature. She placed a large metal ball next to the shrieking creature and murmured something that sent it glowing blue and it cracked open.

The hollow ball was meant to trap the creature so we could study it at home. Under our own safe conditions. She nodded to Rhys who stepped up and furrowed his brows in concentration. The creature began shaking and the creature screeched louder. Sweat dripped down Rhys's forehead as the creature began to slowly, so slowly, be sucked into the ball. It took 20 minutes and a couple grunts from Rhys until the ball shut closed, trapping the creature inside.

The blasting silence hit first as Rhys bent over on his knees and took deep breathes. It was my turn to walk over and kiss his sweaty temple. We all starred at the ball, utterly afraid to pick it up but none of us would admit it. But Amren stalked up and picked it up like it was one of her precious jewels and stuffed it into her pocket.

It was minutes before the camp was packed up and we winnowed back inside the cabin. Elain was rocking G in front of the fireplace before she smiled and dropped him into Rhys's arms. I placed a giant kiss onto Gawain's forehead before Rhys took him to bed and I plopped onto the couch. "Did you get it?" Nesta asked. We all nodded as Amren patted the ball over her coat and Mor and Cassian broke out the wine, pouring us all glasses. Rhys came back down and sat next to me, grabbing a glass. "Great" Elain added. "Then let's go home."


Hey guys. I'm alive! Not sick anymore and back to posting so hope you like. Comments are always appreciated.

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