Chapter 16

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I woke to the sun in my face and silence through the halls. That's what worried me, the silence. Two weeks since G was born, and it was never this silent. The fact that Rhys was missing from his side of the bed said as much to where he was and the silence.

I climbed out of bed and changed into my fighting leathers for the day ahead and walked to G's room. I stopped at the door as I saw Rhys over G changing his diaper.

"Peekaboo" Rhys said sending G into a laughing fit or giggles that made my heart warm. I must have sent some feeling over the bond because Rhys turned to me where I was standing and smiled, beckoning me In.

"You're a good father Rhys" he smiled, and his eyes twinkled, wrinkling at the corners. He kissed my temples and asked, "what does my beautiful mate have planned for today?"

"Well...." I started. "I was going to start training with Cass again, if that was ok with you because that means you or someone else would have to take care of G for a little. I'll take him the rest of the day." "Of course, it's ok. You know I love you how you are right? You don't have to look a certain way for me or anyone."

I smiled. It was sweet, it was, but over the 20 pounds a gained from the pregnancy it was a struggle to do just about anything.

"While I appreciate the support, I would like to walk the rainbow and climb some stairs without being out of breath again."

"Go train darling. I'll take care of G. We'll have a guy's day. But tonight, get ready for ravishing."

My heart warmed again, and my toes curled. with that I winnowed to the top of the house of wind and landed smoothly with the help of my wings. Cassian was there grinning.

"I have to say, I never realized how much I missed these sessions until they stopped 9 months ago." "I have to agree with you." I replied as I started to stretch my limbs. "I have to say, I'm a little out of shape." "oh yes I know." Cass shot back with a smirk. I glared at him daring him to expand on that thought. And he scoffed getting ready into fighting position. "No weapons today?" I asked, my eyebrow raising.

He shook his head. "Not today. Back to basics. You were gone for a while." "At some point Cass it becomes basic instinct." He just waved his hand telling me to begin my kicks and swings. "How's Nesta?" I asked between breathes. "I haven't seen her lately." I could have sworn his lips twitched upwards. "She's ok. We can have a conversation now without her kicking me." I swung with my left and he ducked just as I brought my knee up. He just barely dodged my knee and raised his eyebrows in amusement. I simply smirked and kept training. "And Elain?" "Last time I saw she was hanging out with Az and Lucien." At that I hesitated for only second but that was all it took for Cass to knock my feet from under me and I hit the floor hard. Catching my breath, I sat up and grabbed Cass's outstretched hand, hauling me up. I got into fighting position and mumbled "again".

I got home a little after lunch and was limping by the time I walked in through the front door. Rhys was sitting in the couch with G in one arm and papers in another. His head turned to me and scanned over my body, somehow pin pointing where I was hurting. He just patted the spot next to him and continued working.

I plopped down and grabbed G from his arms. "He's hungry by the way." I groaned and began to prepare for breast feeding. I laid my head on Rhys arm and pulled my sleeve over my shoulder just enough so G could feed. Halfway through Rhys looked down to me with worried eyes.

"What's that?" He asked brushing his fingers over my chest, where my heart was. I tried to look down, but I couldn't see where he was pointing at. "What is it" I asked as G finished and I pulled my shirt up just enough to make me decent but by still able to reach the spot Rhys was looking at. "Does it hurt?" He said as he gently pressed the spot. "No, what do you see?" "It's a black spot. Very little. Almost looks like a spider web." I scrunched my brows and turned my head so I could get a better look. He was right. Right over where my heart was there was a black dot no larger than a birthmark, but little lines snaked from it. Stretching over my skin.

"Poison?" I asked. "Not any I have ever seen." "It looks like- ""I know" he said face serious. We never considered that the power thrown at me may not have been to kill me directly but to poison me. "Call the inner circle. And Madja. We need to discuss this."

An hour later the inner circle gathered into the town house just as Madja was finishing examining me and G while she was at it. She shook her head "my power still detects no power. If I had not seen it with my own two eyes, I would have said there was nothing going on. But now that I see it...." she raised a hand over the dot and flinched back. "I don't know what that is." I nodded and thanked her as she left.

Everyone seemed worried. Angry at what happened. Except for Mor and Amren. Amren simply stared at the spot in wonder and confusion. As if it were a puzzle she couldn't figure out where the missing piece was. But Mor....that was indeed shock on her face. As if she had seen this before. That's when I realized that she had not seen the power used during the attack. Could not have known.

"Mor" I began. "Do you know what this is?" Everyone turned to her and she looked around. "I-could I see the attack Feyre?" I nodded and knocked on her red velvet wall. She let me in, and I showed her the attack from my eyes. The fear that I might lose the baby. That I might never see you all again. I felt her tense the whole time and when I left her mind she was shaken.

"How do you Illyrian's not know where this power comes from.

This is not from Hybern. It's from our own court. From the forests you grew up around." She said, eyes wide. I didn't know what she meant but Rhys did. "The Dark creatures." He breathed. Cassian let out a stream of curses and Az's shadows circled him a bit more. "I never thought- "Cass began but Mor cut him off "you never thought to look at a threat within our own court because you trust those bats too much. And now Feyre may die because if it." Everyone stiffened and I had to step in before a fight broke out. Because indeed everyone stood in a fighting stance. Az and Cass shielding Nesta and Elain. Rhys shielding me and G who was still in my arms with his magic.

"Stop!" I yelled. I gestured to G who was starting to wake. "This is no one's fault. No ones. None of us could have even predicted this." I turned to Mor. "Mor, where have you seen this power." She blanched as if she didn't want to give away her one secret. "My estate in the mountains." She said. We were all surprised at that. "I go there sometimes, when you all piss me off. It's lovely. Except lately I have sensed the dark creatures creeping on the edge of my estate. And just last year one of them tried to attack me. It hasn't happened since but that power. It was the same."

We all stood there in silence.

"Then we go to the camps. We tell the rest of the court it's for tying closer relations. No one can know what we are up to. This stays between us. So, no spies." Rhys commanded. Az nodded in agreement. "And G" I shot back. "The minute those lords see him they are going to want him. We don't even know if G can summon any wings." The Illyrian's growled at the threat but Nesta answered. "Tell those bastards that we are touring the court to show the new high lord." Then Elain added to her sisters' comment. "A peace offering. To show your trust. But they don't lay a hand on our nephew. I'll take care of him in the house there if anything." I smiled and thanked my sisters.

Very well. I guess we are taking a vacation to the Illyrian camps. 

I have to say I got shivers from this chapter just thinking about the next one.
What do guys think is going to happen? We can play a little game of hot and cold.😏♥️

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