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I'm sorry, thats all I have to say for this last chapter.


1154 years later

Gawain's pov.:

I stand on a hill, the tall grass whipping at my legs and the wind howling around me, messing up my hair. But I didn't care. I didn't care that even now the wind called to me, music to my ears. I didn't care that my power rolled underneath my skin, the power begging to be released, but I denied it and the itching continued. A problem for another day. Footsteps sounded behind me and I wiped at my face, smearing the tears on my cheeks with the back of my hand. Lyla, the eldest of my sisters stepped beside me, starring at the same spot I had for the past three hours. I didn't need to look at her to know that tears were streaming down her face, her lip quivering as she clenched her hands. Lyla, born 30 years after me and although her power did not reach a magnitude similar to mine, she made up for it with her fighting skills. Even after all these years she manages to beat me every time we spare; much to uncle Cassian's delight.

Aella and Embla walk in soon after Lyla. Aella, 100 years younger than me and 70 years younger than Lyla but only 5 years older than Embla. A blessing everyone had said, to conceive a child so close together in years. Aella and Embla had been inseparable since. I wasn't as close to them as I was to Lyla, but where Lyla and I got in trouble, where we would go out at night drinking until the sun rose, where she was my wing woman and I was her wingman, Aella and Embla filled the other part of my heart. The part that would drag me out of bed before the sun rose on a particular day that our schedules were clear of training and schooling, blindfolding me until we were on one of the dozens of mountains in the night court and ripped off' my blindfold to a picnic on the lakeside. They were always in the garden with Elain, my sweet younger sisters but men learned the hard way that my sisters weren't all smiles and kindness. I was on a scouting mission with uncle Az when we were called back to Velaris. A group of men had attacked my two sisters when they were shopping, hopping to get a piece of them but by the time Az arrived to interrogate them with dad, there wasn't enough of them left to do much with them at all. At the end of it all there were 12 bodies, I knew that just like the rest of us they were trained by Cassian to fight physically but I had never thought they would put it to use; a part of me hoped that they never would have to. I went to grab my sisters, but they just shrugged me off, held their heads high, and walked home. They didn't say anything about the blood or body gore staining their pants or sweaters, they didn't even seem fazed by it, and I smiled because they reminded me so much of mother at that moment. Later that night I asked them why they didn't just use their powers, avoid the mess but Aella, daemati like me told me that she wanted to make sure they felt the pain, the pain they had no trouble thinking they were going to do to the both of them. Blind icy rage had coursed through me when I left them after that, it took a sparring session with dad to calm me down but I could tell he needed it just as much as me for when he had learned what happened, he misted their dead bodies then and there, as if he could enact one last bit of pain on them before they went to wherever the dead went to.

Aella held Theos hand in hers and Embla held Delia's. The twins, and as far as our parents' children line would go. Theo and Delia, Only 9 years old but both of them so brave. They each were a spitting image of mom and dad, even at 9. Theo had dad's inky hair and violet eyes, a trait the men possessed it seemed, but where my face curved in places unlike dads, Theo, he had the same structure; my little brother. And Delia, sweet Delia who was nothing but trouble and a pit full of fire had moms face. While all my other sisters had moms' blue grey eyes, Delia was the only one who actually looked like her. Even her attitude, much to Aunt Nesta's delight reminded me of mom. Looking at both of them was like a hit to the chest. I leaned down in front of them and they wrapped their tiny arms around my neck, crying into my shoulder. I almost broke there, but I had to keep strong, for the both of them. I looked up to Aella and Embla, both still in their black gowns. Their eyes were puffy and red and when Theo and Delia finally let go of me, they both gave me bone crushing hugs as well. Lyla though, she had changed from her black gown back to her Illyrian leathers, a comfort for her. She had told me once that taking them off was like taking off a layer of her skin. She didn't give me a hug though as I walked back to where I was standing, she wasn't like the others. I knew that for Lyla what she needed was space; she held in her emotions, much like dad. Cauldron she was a daddy's girl through and through. It caused us all hell when she was growing up, wouldn't listen to a thing any of us said, even mom unless it came from dad. She even has his personality. Each of my five siblings resembled my parents in some way or another but me.... Aside from dad's hair and eyes, aside from his power that I seemed to be the only one who inherited so much of when I was born, I didn't feel like I resembled any of my parents. It made me feel lost for a time but eventually I came to reasoning, I didn't have to resemble them to love them, to know that they love me; loved me. While I related to dad and got along with him just fine, wonderful actually, I was a mommies boy, much to Cassian's amusement; he spent countless hours teasing me about it growing up until I had knocked him so hard on the back with a training stick he wisely stopped running his mouth. Mom had laughed so hard after I told her what happened tears had sprung from her eyes.

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