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Maci's POV

I was so pissed at nick and this nigga wouldn't even pick up his phone

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I was so pissed at nick and this nigga wouldn't even pick up his phone. Have you ever been so mad that you was calm, yeah that's how I was feeling.

After Toya told me that not only her pregnancy but the fact that nick was her baby's father and they live in Atlanta TOGETHER. The fact that she was in here meant that his goffey ass was in here too talking bout he at Publix; publix my ass.

I left my items and I went looking for him but I guess he beat me too it because he was no where in this store. I tried calling him again this time it went straight to voice mail.

"Ohh ight bet this what the fuck we doing now bitch ass pussy ass nigga," was all I could of say to myself, how could he do me like that, why would he come back here after putting me through counseling to only fuck me over and put me back in that space I once was in.

It wasn't no coming back from what he did, I lost our child because of this man, and he turns around and knock up the bitch he cheated on me with.

I jumped in my truck speeding over to his sister house and to my surprise his car was parked in her drive way. I ain't waste no time hoping out, I even almost leave my truck running.


I was so angry that I kicked on the door, I didn't mean to bring the drama to Jessie's place but I didn't care.

"Hey what's sup you trying to break my door down," Jessie said while holding Nathan on her side.

"Where ya brother at," I said flinging my bag on the sofa in the living room walking towards the tv room.

"He's down in the tv room where you headed, what's going on is everything ok."

I was angry because this man had all these talks about making a baby with me and how much he loved me but the whole time he got a fucking baby on the way.


He jumped up off the couch in shock, "Maci baby please relax let's go outside to talk."

I turned to Jessie because I needed to know, "did you know all this time what was going on."

"What are you talking about, what's going on."

"Your brother got a fucking baby on the way with the bitch he cheated on me with, LIKE HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO ME!" I turned back in his direction.

Jessie went and rest Nathan down in his playpen holding her mouth in shock, "Maci calm down honestly I did not know, baby relax please before you fall out."

"You are something else nick I mean from the looks of it ya girl been pregnant for a while and you wasn't even grown enough to let your sister know you fucking have a baby on the way, last night you fucked me as if you was in love with me talking bout let's make a baby, YOU AIN'T SHIT and I swear if I do become pregnant just know you wouldn't get to see my child YOU NASTY PIECE OF SHIT."

"Come on Maci you going to hard on him I think he understands," Jessie said while trying to pull me from out of the tv room.

"I'm going to hard, this man lives with his girlfriend and was sleeping in my place having unprotected sex with ME, telling ME how he wanna make a baby but he already have one on the way. Nahhh fuck that cause you of all people know how hard it was for me when he left I COULDN'T EAT, I COULDN'T SLEEP, but I'm going to hard. You know what Jessie get the fuck up out my way."  

I was so pissed that I even took it out on Jessie because brother or not he was wrong, and out of all people she shouldn't stand by it considering she went through almost the same thing.

"Maci wait please don't go, I was gonna tell you I really was but I didn't know how."

"Nick stop playing with me, how the fuck you forget to tell me you in a relationship and got a baby on the way, nigga HOW."

"I know it sounds bad but I really was gonna tell you, I just was caught up in the moment please just hear me out Mai please, the way I feel for you ain't change at all and I'm gonna handle Toya baby trust me I will but just bare with me."

"Nick get the fuck out my way cause you so full of it, what you gonna leave your pregnant girlfriend for me, and put her in that space I was in, all that come to show is you really ain't shit."

I just wanted to leave I didn't wanna be here any more because the longer I stayed and listen to all the bullshit Nick was saying the more I wanted to beat his ass.

I started walking towards the front door to leave but I was stopped, I felt as if I was choking from tightness around my throat, then I started feeling dizzy and light headed, I started panicking and I couldn't gain control.

"Nick help she's having a panic attack, Mai baby breathe for me," Jessie started taking off my jacket trying to get me to calm down. Nick came running into the living room where I was laid out on the floor.

Jessie got up running to the kitchen for a bottle of water and then she came back and did breathing exercises with me. This wasn't my first time having a panic attack and for every time it happened she was the one there by my side.

I was able to calm myself down and get up off the floor with the help of Jessie and nick who then helped me up onto the couch. I started crying into Jessie's chest because this man once again hurt me.

"Nick I need you to leave, do you see what your doing to her. Your hurting her and she doesn't need that in her life, WHY DID YOU COME BACK IF THIS IS WHAT YOU GONNA DO TO HER, WHAT! all because you don't want her to be with nobody else while you in a whole fucking relationship and a baby on the way. What happened to you, you were never like this."

I was happy she finally catch her senses and see that her brother wasn't no good, and he didn't care for me like he want me to believe.

"You know what maybe it's best that I do leave, Mai when ever you ready to talk I'll be here. Please don't give up on me I still love you with everything in me and despite what's happening right now I'm here for you, I fucked up baby I did but I'm not.."

"Nick STOP!, you don't love me because if you did you would of waited, you would of waited until we both was in a good space to start over but you just couldn't do that. Please just stay away from me that's all I want because I can't go through what I did before."

I got up and grabbed my belongings and I left. I didn't even want to go home but that's the only place I had to go, all of this made me miss vanny and I wish I could of talk to her.

Because I was so angry I didn't realize how fast I was going, and to be honest I was driving extremely reckless.

The only thing I remembered was losing control of my truck and another car's bright lights coming head on because some how I ended up in the breakdown lane without hitting a single car and I ended up into the woods.

My truck had hit a big tree, and I woke up in the back seat of my truck holding onto the passenger seat, holding on for dear life, After that I blacked out.

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