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Toya's POV

I was woken up by the sounds of a crying Nichole, I jumped up quickly realizing nick didn't even come home as yet and it was around three thirty in the morning

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I was woken up by the sounds of a crying Nichole, I jumped up quickly realizing nick didn't even come home as yet and it was around three thirty in the morning.

"Ok mommy pumpkish you must be hungry," I coo'd while picking her up out of her crib. I went down stairs to warm her up a bottle to get her to try and calm down.

When I finally got her to calm down after feeding her I got on the phone to try call nick to see where he was at cause I know it couldn't of been the club, because it was going on four o'clock and the club close at three and he don't stick around for closing.

And as I suspected his phone went straight to voicemail as if he turned it off, I was furious because I had no clue where he was at and this isn't something he normally do.

I went back up stairs to put some sweats on and some warm clothes on Nikki because I wanted to know where he was at and if it was the club I was gonna find out myself. Before I left the house I called his phone one more time to see if he turned it back on and to my surprise he did, "Hello nick where are you, it's fucking four o'clock in the morning you mean to tell me you been gone out this house from three o'clock today and you ain't come home yet, listen who ever bitch you laying on the side of stay yo ass there."

I guess I was loud because it made baby girl burst into tears but this time she wasn't calming down at all. "Ok baby, it's ok mommy didn't mean to scare you like that, please forgive me," I continued rocking her until she fell back sleep. I placed her into her crib and leaving the door slightly crack before going back down stairs.

I sat in the living room patently waiting for nick to get home and all I did was think to myself. I hated the thought of nick cheating on me and if he was I rather find out now so me and my daughter could go back to Orlando to my family instead of staying here dealing with that.

I heard shuffling on the other side of the door indicating that he must of finally come home, I looked over at the clock to see that it was going on four forty in the morning.

When he came in I guess he didn't see me because it was like he was sneaking in, "You don't have to sneak in I already see you, so where you been all this time."

"I was caught up with work and I told you I had a meeting to care of, then a some basketball players popped up in the club so I had to make sure we took special care of them."

"Nick don't lie to me cause even if that was the case you don't stay at the club after closing, so don't act as if this your first time having celebrities in your club."

"What make you think I'm lying what the fuck I have to lie about."

"Ok let me see your phone," I tried grabbing it out of his hands but he had a good grip on it.

"Watch out we don't even gatta go through this cause I could leave if you wanna do this right now."


"Yooo stop with all that fucking yelling because my kid is up there sleep."

"Your kid, my nigga when you was out all day did you care to call and check on you kid besides when I texted you, NO THE FUCK YOU DIDN'T, but sense you so concern about your kid why don't you raise your kid on your own maybe that would keep your lame ass at home during the night how about that."

"You tripping I had a long ass day I ain't had no plans on coming home to you and this bullshit cause I don't know when sense you cared about me being out late it ain't like you talk to me or ask me how my day was but now that I come home late you on my dick, get outta here with all that bullshit."

He walk pass me jogging up the stairs as if I wasn't speaking to him, but maybe he thought I was capping when I said he was gonna raise Nikki on his own but I was gonna show him I wasn't the one.

I went upstairs to our master bedroom going into our walk-in closet pulling out my suitcase packing most of my clothes, and personal items I had. He came walking out the bathroom brushing his teeth ignoring me. I really thought he would of stopped me but all it showed was that he really didn't care and he thought I was playing with his ass.

After packing my stuff I peeped into the bathroom to make sure he was still in the shower. I went into Nikki's room to say my goodbyes, She was sound asleep so I kissed her on the cheeks, "mommy will come back for you I promise, I just need you to give daddy as much of a hard time as you could I love you baby girl," I whispered to her before leaving out and calling my Uber.

When I got down stairs to wait on my Uber nick came down behind me with nothing but his towel on, and to be honest I didn't care because we ain't had sex since I had gotten pregnant and I wasn't sexually attracted to him any more so nothing really was keeping me back.

"So what you gonna just leave me here with the baby while you go running back home to your family, what type of mother are you to go and abandon your four month old daughter."

"Go head say what you want but either way when you done I'll be gone, you ain't gonna be out here in these streets fucking with bitches and then coming home laying up with me after doing God knows what. I know you gonna do a good job raising Nichole I have no doubt but when I'm ready I'll be back for her and hopefully you've changed by then."

"Nahhh it don't work like that it ain't no coming back, if you going don't call, don't text, nothing. I don't need her asking me about you when she gets older and when that time does come for me to tell her I'll let her know how you just decided to walk outta her life all cause I came home late from work where I bust my ass off every night to make sure you both have everything you wanted and needed but you just fucking ungrateful."

"Nick fuck you and all of that you talking bout cause while you at work where you claim to be bussing your ass off I'm at home making sure your daughter eats, taking care of her when she's sick. All of that I fucking do all you do is come home play with her about an hour and post pictures like you be spending time with her, well trust me you gonna know what it all feels like since you the king and you do it all. I hope one of your hoes come and help out with her sense it's them you wanna be with."

He started walking away mumbling to hisself, "my nigga speak up while I'm here you don't need to talk under your breath."

Before he could say anything else my Uber pulled up, I wasted no more time going back and forth with him.

On my way to the airport I was scrolling through instagram and I came across a picture of Maci with a pregnant stomached captioned, "Baby Nikita is on the way."

"Nikita," was all I said to myself then it all clicked to me, Maci was pregnant with nick's fucking baby. I wanted to scream and just go back and beat his ass but his karma is gonna catch up to him.

They deserved each other and if she think for a second she won she had another thing coming because the kind of man nick was is a cheater no matter how much you show him love he would never be satisfied with one female and she was gonna endure that hurt all over again.

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