Chapter 1: Impossible X5

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So, this is my second book I have written by myself on WAttpad. My first one called "Can't buy my heart" .Here is a ONE DIRECTION FAN FICTION!

Lots of love,

-Anthea <3

P.S I love Eleanor Calder, Danielle Peazer and Perrie Edwards but for the sake of this story they will not be dating any of the boys. I mean it's called a fanfic for a reason right?


Gosh it's horrible here in London and by horrible I mean it's too loud. So many fans are going ballistic because One Direction is back from their tour. I can't even get a cup of coffee without hearing or seeing One Direction fans. It's getting annoying because there are people on this earth who don't appreciate their music and their "god-like" looks. They are just teenage boys and they are still human. Geez.

"Oh my gosh! I think I see them." A girl around the corner yells.

I roll my eyes. Every time some girl sees 5 guys in hoodies they yell that. It's impossible for One Direction to just be strolling down the streets of London without any body guards or something.

But as soon as make my away way around the corner of my flat but I bump into someone.

"Hey be careful of where you're going" I yell rubbing my fore head.

"Sorry, love." A male voice said.

I looked up and saw a guy with black hair and brown eyes with panicked expressions on his face. Behind him were 4 other guys in hoodies and Ray-Bans on. They looked familiar like I've seen them before but I just can't put my finger on it.

"Yeah, whatever." I rolled my eyes and started to walk away.

"You don't know us?" A curly haired fellow asked.

"Ahh. Why would I? I just bumped into your friend right now. Now excuse me but I got to get home." I said impatiently walking away.

"Wait! Can we hide at your flat??" The one with blondish-brown hair said.

"No! I don't even know you, why on earth would you need to hide? Just leave me alone creeps!" I yell and run away.

I heard faint waits but they were drowned out by screams of girls. I roll my eyes again. People these days, they are so weird.

I walk into my apartment and find it empty.

"Dani? Are you here?" I yell. (A/N No it's not Danielle Peazer.)

No answer. That's weird she finishes work earlier than I and she is always already home cooking something for dinner.

She's only late when she either has an appointment which would have told me about or...

One Direction.

Every time One Direction is in London she goes crazy and stalks them with all those other crazy fan girls.

When she comes home I am going to have a serious conversation about not going all wild over One Direction. I love Daniela but she is over the top with One Direction. All she talks about is how amazing One direction and honestly it drives me crazy. One day I swear I will go mental.

I head into my room to drop of my bag and change into a pair of gray sweats and a printed tee. I put my wavy brown hair into a ponytail and head back to the kitchen to make some dinner.

I really love this flat because it has everything we need. A large kitchen, a pretty big living room, 3 bedrooms with an en-suite and walk-in closet each and a balcony which is in my room.

It took some time to convince Dani to give me the bigger room because she kept on saying that she needed enough room to put all her One Direction posters, so I told her she could use the third room as her studies and she could put all her posters there. Since we barely have guests and when we do they are usually girls which also really like One Direction. I barely go into either of those rooms because it's just creepy seeing their faces everywhere.

I decided to make creme chicken Penne, because it's simple and tasty. After 20 minutes of preparing I was finally done making the pasta. i started to clean up the kitchen when Daniela walked in. She was wearing her favourite jeans and One direction T-shirt.

"I have something really important to tell you!" She shrieked.

"God. You are so loud! Calm down. You can tell me over dinner. Grab a plate and grab some pasta." I rolled my eye and filled my plate with pasta.

She skipped over to the kitchen and grabbed some pasta. She was all jittery and wouldn't sit down when I told her too.

"Gosh calm down! What happened to you?" I asked annoyed with all her movements.

"Okay okay... Where to start. Well I was walking back home and I heard a whole bunch of screaming and then I remembered One Direction was back in town so I went to joined them." I rolled my eyes and took another fork full of pasta.

"Then I saw 5 guys walking towards the corner behind our flat so I followed them. I actually saw them and talked to them! I said Hey and they offered to sign something and give me these if I didn't scream they were here" She shrieked while waving two, what seemed to be tickets, in front of my face.

"Whoa calm down. I don't see what's so special about those tickets." I squinted trying to identify which concert it was for.

"We are going to a One Direction Concert!!!" She shouted at the top of her lungs.

Wow I would've been deaf if I didn't cover my ears. I bet our neighbors were just as annoyed of it as was. But they were use to it, they would never report us.Then something came into mind.

"Wait! What do you mean us?" I questioned.

"Duh! You are going with me, Amanda!" She giggled.

"I am not going." I stated.

Her face fell. "B-But you have to go with me! They gave me 2 tickets and you are the one I want to spend the experience with!" She yelled.

"I don't care, I am not wasting my time to watch those silly teenage boys sing and that is final." I was about to get up when Dani yanked me back into my seat.

"They are not silly! And please come with me!" She said giving me her best puppy dog face.

How can you say no to that face? It's too cute!

"Damn you Dani. I hate you and your stupid puppy dog face." I muttered.

"Does that mean you'll go with me?" She asked excitedly.

"Fine. Yes. I'll go with you but I won't enjoy it." I mumbled.

"Yeah! I knew you would go with me" She grabbed me into a hug and jumped up and down making me jump too.

"When are we going anyways?" I asked after we were done hugging.


"Wait. Friday is tomorrow."

"Yep!" She said while popping the 'p'.

Great this is going to be the worst Friday ever.


So what do you think? I know it's not that interesting yet but promise me it's going to get better! Next chapter you will get to know more about Amanda. Thanks for reading. Check out my other book "Can't Buy my heart".


FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER @Anthea_Mo and my co-writer @Joann_Li

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Next Chapter: Tuesday. Maybe Earlier!

-Anthea <3

Love X5 (One Direction Fanfiction) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now