Chapter 13: Memories Of A Date x5

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Chapter 13

Liam’s P.O.V

I looked at beautiful angel next to me as I woke up. She really did look beautiful, with her tousled hair and peaceful looking face. I couldn’t help but examine every part of her face. She soon started to toss around which meant she felt that I was staring at her.

“Wake up.” I whispered in Amanda’s ear.

Her eyes shot opened and she lost for a second before a small smiled appeared on her face.

“Hello.” I whispered.

“Good morning to you Mr. Payne” She smiled and pecked my lips.

I was happy that I could kiss her whenever I wanted because she was just too cute. She tried to get up but I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her back down beside me.

“Nope, not going until I say so.” I instructed.

She let out a groan and muttered something which made me smirk.

“Okay so when am I allowed to change?” She questioned.

“When are we done this.” I stated before pressing my lips against hers. She wrapped my arms around my neck while automatically and my arms remained wrapped around my waist. We were interrupted by a knock at the front door. I moaned but rolled out of bed.

“Do you mind getting that while I get changed?” She asked.

“Nope,” I said, pecking my lips once before letting me go.

She went into her bathroom while I made my way to the door. I opened the door and saw the four other lads standing there with bid smiles on their faces. But as soon as they saw me there smiles turned into frowns into glares.

“What are you doing here?” Louis questioned.

“Well-” I was cut off by another voice.

“And why are you only wearing boxers?” Harry half shouted.


“Where is Amanda?” Zayn asked calmly.


“I am going to look for her.” Niall stated before walking past me, shoving me a bit.

“Explain now.” Louis demanded.

“Okay b-“

“Tell us already!” Harry exclaimed.

“Okay all of you shut up and let me talk. Would you like to come in first?” I suggested.

The all nodded swiftly before entering and sitting on the couch, still glaring at me. Right when I was about to say something, I heard a scream and a few curses coming from Amanda’s room. We all rushed to her room to see what was going on.

The boys were all in front of me but they all stopped once they were inside. I couldn’t really see what was going on so I pushed them out of the way to see Amanda only standing there in a towel.

“Stop f*cking staring and me and get out of here so I can get changed!” She yelled, as her cheeks started to get red.

None of us moved, since we were still in shock to seeing her only in her towel. I mean, she looked hot in just a towel with her hair wet. I smiled at the fact that she agreed to be my girlfriend and she was mine.

“You look really hot right now.” Harry stated.

Amanda and I shot him daggers before Amanda shoved all of us out of her room. Before she slammed the door in our faces we heard her say, “Those damn perverted teenage boys.”

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