Chapter 14: The Right Choices x5

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Amanda's P.O.V

I stared up into the darkness, where there was nothing to see but a blank celing. I was wide awake while Liam's soft even breaths told me he was asleep. I wasn't able to move because Liam's arm was around my waist and I didn't want to disturb him.

There was something bothering but I couldn't put my hands on what it was. My mind was blank and I could only think about the date we just had. Everything was so perfect, yet it felt like a deja vu. Like everything was just a replay of something that happened.

Liam let out a groan making me freeze in place. He tossed around a bit, removing his arm from my waist and turning his back towards me. I let out the breath that I was holding and I thanked god that he has finally let me go.

I silently slid out of the sheets and slipped into my fuzzy pink slippers, while throwing on a hoodie. It wasn't too cold but I didn't take any chances on getting a cold. I made my way to the kitchen and decided that I needed a glass of milk.

As I was pouring a glass of milk, there was a sudden noise coming from the outside of my flat. I snapped my head towards the noise and I walked towards the door. I looked through the peep hole and saw a shadow coming closer ot my door.

For some reason I wasn't scared, there was something familiar to that shadow. I slowly opened the door to see who that person was. Just as I opened the door the person lerking through the halls bumped into me.

"Harry?" I asked.

"Hey." He smiled sheepishly.

"What on earth are you doing here at like 2 in the morning?" I yelled-whispered.

"Well, I couldn't sleep and I wanted to talk to someone..." He explained.

"Couldn't you have talked to Lou? I mean he lives in the same flat as you." I questioned.

"Well...' He trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Whatever, let's go somewhere to talk. I can't sleep either.." I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the balcony so Liam wouldn't be able to hear us.

I tried to let go of his hand but he held it tighter. I looked up at him confused but there was only a grin on his face.

"So what did you want ot talk about?" I asked.

"I don't know." He muttered.

His expression told me different,like he knew what he wanted to talk about but he wasn't sure how to say it.

"Just spit it out. It's not like you would come here early in the morning just to stand there to at me." I said.

"Idon'twantyoutodateLiambecauseIfancyyiuandIthinkIshouldbewithyouinstead," He said in one big sentence.

At first I wasn't sure what he said but as he turned away from me, the words sunk in very slowly even though he said it really fast. He literally just told me he didn't want me to date Liam, even though it isn't really his choice.

"Harry, you don't really have a say in my love life." I sighed.

He didn't say anything or move out of his current position which was on the other side of the balcony staring out at the city. I just stood there staring at him, waiting for his answer. After what seemed like a long time, even though it was probably 10 minutes, I have had enough and turned towards the balcony doors to leave.

Harry suddenly turned around and grabbed me. Without another word he slammed his lips against mine. I was shocked and I didn't know what to do because my heart and my brain was having an inner argument.

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