Chapter twenty eight

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Tyler stared at the grave they made across the tracks from them, Craig stepped outside still shocked and sad as he walked over sitting next to Tyler, he knew why Craig had come out here and saved him the breath of asking anything ''I didn't mean to kill him.'' Craig looked at him seeing Tyler was staring at the grave. Tyler then looked down ''I'm a horrible friend.'' Craig's heart broke even more ''No, your not.'' Tyler looked at him, shooting him a glare ''I killed him.'' Craig grabbed his hand ''It was an accident.'' Craig's eye's were glossy, red and puffy from just crying a moment earlier ''Right?'' he asked knitting his eye brows, Tyler pulled his hand away getting up.

''I'll to better to the group if I just left.'' he said stepping down the steps, Craig's eye's widened as he got up and grabbed Tyler's arm stopping him ''No, you cant.'' Tyler turned looking at him as Craig hugged him tightly, Tyler's arm's went up while Craig pressed his face into Tyler's chest almost crushing his glasses ''You can't just leave.'' Tyler herd Craig's voice, muffled and broken, Craig pulled away his eye's redder then before as tears came pouring from his eye's ''If you leave you wont be fixing any thing, you'll be breaking everyone.'' Tyler felt his heart break seeing Craig this way ''Please... Don't leave.'' Craig's voice cracked, Tyler whipped Craig's tears away before hugging him again ''Ok, I wont.'' he said and looked over to the grave holding the tears back by breathing in and looking away.

Inside was no better, everyone was silent, Lui sat in the corner alone, tear stained cheeks while he stared at the guitar sitting at his feet, Brian was looking over at him and knew he needed to tell the guys something they couldn't, he turned to them shutting his eye's telling himself not to start crying again ''Lui's never gonna talk to Tyler.'' Marcel said hugging his leg's to his chest, they all nodded collectively, Brian sat up and gulped down the feeling of crying knowing he'd break if he tried speaking but had to let them know ''There's something I need to say.'' he said and looked at them all seeing their eye's some redder then others ''What?'' Evan asked feeling the depression sink in. Brian looked over at Lui, seeing he probably wasn't going to speak any time soon and turned to them.

''Lui and David were together.'' Lui herd Brian understanding why he was telling them and got the pain he felt last night back hitting him in the gut. Brock and Evan put their head's down knowing what he was doing but the other's were a bit confused ''Together as in, they were planning on getting married.'' their eye's widened, Evan looked up not knowing that bit. They turned seeing Lui had moved his leg's, sitting like a kid now and picked up the guitar holding it the correct way, he was about to put his fingers on the stings but froze biting his lip, he shut his eye's and looked away not wanting them to see him cry.

He opened his eye's breathing in and turned front again trying it again but froze again this time his hand's were shaking, he felt the tears coming and looked away, he grabbed the sleeve of David's sweater, which he had on and whipped them away making him cry even more, he then put the guitar down and hung his head feeling the tears coming, he then got up and walked to the door fast ''Lui.'' Marcel said but Lui didn't stop, he left the station and walked down the step's, Tyler and Craig looked over watching him walk past, he crossed the track's and sat down right at David's grave and stared at it, the pile of rocks under the tree.

That's when the tears came, he leaned forward and basically laid beside the grave with a arm over the rocks, Craig and Tyler could hear the sobs from where they were standing, they looked over seeing the guy's standing on the platform, Craig went to join them holding Tyler's hand but Tyler didn't start walking so Craig looked back at him. 

Tyler was staring at Lui, he let go of Craig's hand and walked across the tracks, Craig watched him approach Lui and sit down next to him feeling his heart ache, Lui didn't look at him, he silenced his sobs a bit and just laid there silently crying, Tyler moved around and sat beside him, Lui sat up and looked away from him whipping his eye's from the tears. Tyler turned Lui around and hugged him not giving Lui the choice to hug back or not, Lui then broke into his arm's hugging him back, he gripped Tyler's shirt as he collapsed into him.

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