Chapter 6

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Megami Pov:

“your welcome Budo-kun” and just like that, I was by myself once more, feeling a little better after Budo comforted me.

I was trying to be strong today but by doing so it felt like I was low on energy. I smile.

“thanks Budo, you really helped me" I say to myself. I start to think about what Budo said about Taro.

‘do a lot of girls like Taro Yamada, it shouldn’t matter to me, this is just a simple crush that will soon go away’

I thought inside my head but, I felt it deep down that it did bothered me that so many girls liked him besides me.

‘maybe I should start looking around for someone else that I might have a chance with’

I started to think about Budo, and my face starts heat up.

‘No, I can’t have a crush on him, I just can’t'

I said to myself in my head. I looked out the window that reflected me and my mind started to wonder.

“just maybe I could like him, only a little bit"

Budo's Pov:

After classes were over it was time for the club’s to start. I sigh as I walk to my club and got into my uniform.

I practice some punches and kicks before my members start to come. The first one to arrive was the same person who crushed my heart into tiny little pieces and walled away like nothing happened . Ayano Aishi.

I kept my eyes focused on the bag I was punching trying hard not to look at her

‘She probably hates me, so why did she come, did she want to quite the club? That’s probably why she came'

I sighed to myself right before punching the bag once more. “Masuta-kun? Can you help me with my kicks?” I heard Ayano's voice and I knew I had to face her since I’m the club leader.

I turn to her and smile “sure, first let me see what you got" she walks over to the bag quite fast.

'Is something wrong?'

Everyone's New Senpai (Budo X Ayano X Female Rivals)Where stories live. Discover now