Chapter 16

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3rd Person POV

“B-budo-san?” said Osana as she tried to make out the figure coming closer to her. She’s soon being lifted up, not realizing she fell off, Budo put her back on her hospital bed.

Everything was still dizzy for Osana, so she held her hand in front of Budo, signaling him not to talk or bother her. Budo sits in the chair next to the bed, and waits.

Osana laid back down, realizing her body isn’t ready to walk around, but that’s when she realized something was wrong.

She started to hyperventilating. Budo took notice and swooped into action, putting his hand around her nose and mouth, trying to steady her breathing. “Osana, hold your breath real quick, please” Osana did what Budo told her to do, then Budo took his hands off of her mouth and nose and waited for her to breath again which came within a few moments.

After Osana calmed down Budo sighed in relief, but that was only short lived “what’s wrong” Budo asked, there was a moment of silence, or so it would seem. If the room wasn’t as quite as it was or him Budo wasn’t focusing on her, he would have missed it “I…can’t…feel..them"

Budo looked at Osana who was looking at her legs. He didn’t know what to say, or what he should say. “let me get a doctor” said Budo but before he could walk away, Osana grabbed his arm hiding her face “please…..just stay" even though she was hiding her face, Budo knew she was crying, it wasn’t because she was sad, it was because she was scared.

“……okay……I’ll stay…..”

This was all he could do for her right now. Few minutes pass, Osana was still holding onto his arm, that was till they heard a knock at the door. Osana let go and attended to her eyes. “Come in" said Osana as she rubbed her eyes.

The next thing Osana knew, she was being hugged. “Raibaru!?” Raibaru couldn’t contain herself. Her friend was alive. “Raibaru-chan, not to hard, it hurts" Raibaru let go right away and started to bow “I’m so sorry….*sob*…if I had b-been…better…..this…” before Raibaru could continue, Osana pulls her into a soft embrace, trying not to over due her body

“none of this was or is your fault” Osana gave Budo a glance “everything will be okay" with that said, Budo knew she didn’t want to tell Raibaru about here legs. Budo gave her a nod, telling her he understood.

Budo walks towards the door “where are you going?” Asked Osana who was still holding Raibaru “for some drinks, I’ll be right back"

Budo left the room and took the long way to get drinks so the two girls could talk.

Budo thought about the bandages around Osana's head and arms. He also got a glimpse of her injuries when he was helping her up. The marks reminded him of a screw driver. Budo also took notice that Osana's hands where bandaged up. He could tell she was being careful of them. He could only think of what had happened to her when she was gone.

After about 10-15 minutes passed Budo came back like promised and found Raibaru passed out in the chair next to Osana.

“Here" Budo hands Osana one of the drinks in his hand which she gladly takes. There was an awkward silence between the two as the scene that happened awhile ago started to reply in there minds. “ahem" Budo flinched a little to the sudden noise “so, is everyone okay" asked Osana “for the most part everyone is okay" Osana started to fidget “a-and… Taro-kun okay?” Budo looked at Osana. His eyes lead him to the bandages around her face and arms. “I’m not pretty sure he’s okay, whenever I see him, he’s sitting at the fountain reading a book" said Budo “umm…..did h-he asks about me" Budo chuckled a little “who’s to say" “don’t be rude” Budo held his free hand up “I’m just joking” he said with a smile “but, I don’t really know, I never really talked to the guy………but I’m pretty sure he’s missing you” this brought a small smile on her face.

“He must have been busy to not come today, right?” Budo hesitated before nodding “hopefully he’ll come, now that I’m up" Budo just smiled “I’m sure will” after that they had some small talk. The doctor came in and checked on her, but Budo and Raibaru had to leave so Osana could get some rest along with the police asking her questions.
Budo would be lying if he said he wasn’t curious.

He wanted to ask her if she remembers who did this to her. What they looked like. Anything. But he didn’t want pry after she had just woken up.

Budo and Raibaru exchanged words back and forth till it was time to separate. “Thank you again" said Raibaru “of course” Budo replied instantly “if there’s anyway I could repay you just ask" Budo knew exactly what he wanted from her “Don’t blame yourself” Raibaru nodded and with that the parted ways.

It was getting dark, so Budo started to make his way home. Happy that he finally got the day over with, and was ready to start a new day tomorrow.

He never showed up to school the next day.

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