Chapter 11

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3rd Person POV:

"Want me to walk you home?....hehe"

While Budo was walking Ayano home all he could feel was awkward fill the air around them.

'come on Budo try to talk to her'

" did really good at defending yourself back there.....I'm proud my lessons came in handy" said Budo as he scratched the back of his head and look up at the dark sky.

Ayano nodded her head still facing forward ending the conversation before it even starte. Making the air awkward again.

They continued to walk in silence.

At this point Budo was about to give up but that 'can do don't quite' attitude just wouldn't let him.

"So...Aishi-san did anything new happen for you this week or month"

'yeah I got rid of a few girls and have one in my basement'

Ayano knew she couldn't say that so she just simply shook her head no.

"Ah........uh...did you pass the test last week" Ayano shook head yes

"You did!... What was your grade?" Budo said amaze since he barely passed with a 63%

"100%" she said still looking forward.

Budo was shocked even though Budo is a year older than her a 100 was still 100 to him no matter the age.

" Aishi-san you sure are smart" said Budo as he looked at her  

Silence....once again. Budo was thinking about a lot of things he could use as a conversation.

"Hey... Aishi-san-" Budo stopped when Ayano held her hand up to him signalling to stop.

"Budo-kun...what are you doing" said Ayano as she got annoyed by Budo's attempts to talk to her.

"Just trying to make conversa-" Budo got cut off

"I know that but why"

Budo had to think for a bit or act like it.

'I just miss hanging out with you even if it's just as friends'

"It's just that we haven't been talking.... lately" said Budo as he remembered his confession gone wrong. "And...maybe we could be...friends again" that sentence was very quiet and Budo was hoping Ayano wouldn't have heard it but she did.

Ayano stopped walking making Budo a few steps in front of her before he turned around.

"Is something wrong?" Budo was starting to feel uneasy

"Where we..not friends?" Said Ayano as a lump started to form in her throat. "This entire ..time, were we not.. friends?" For some reason Ayano had tears forming in her eyes but she didn't dare let them fall. "Heh, is that why you were avoiding me and started to call me by my last all makes sense now" Ayano put her hands on her face and looked down.

Budo started to get some weird vibes dangerous vibes. His gut was telling him to run for some reason but Budo didn't see anything that would be dangerous and he thought there was no way Ayano would hurt.


"There you go again with my last name...when did we stop being friends or were we never-"


This caught Ayano's attention, she looked up at Budo causing there eyes to meet and this sent chills to Budo, but he brushed it off.

"We were friends, and we still are.....sigh....sorry it's just my fault for thinking we weren't I just assumed for some reason...gosh I'm dumb"

'just because she rejected me doesn't mean we can't still be friends'

"I'm sorry.....Ayano"

Ayano started to calm down after hearing Budo say her name. She took her hands off her face and stood back up and started to walk twords Budo as if nothing happened.

Budo felt that vibe go away, but he kept his guard up just in case whatever that was came back.

"Can you forgive me" Ayano nodded.

"What did you get on your test?" Said Ayano.

Budo smiled that they could talk again but he just didn't like the question she asked him. He scratched the back of his head and smiled awkwardly

"ah...63%" he said quietly but Ayano could still hear.

"So you just barely passed" she said " was really hard" he said "what part" she asked ".......all of it" he said embarrassed that his underclassmen was smarter than him.

Ayano started to take a few steps and looked back at him "I could help you if you want..if I can"

Budo smiled and caught up to her as they both started to walk home.

~Time Skip~

"See ya Ayano-chan" said Budo as he waved at her. Ayano also waved bye before he disappeared from her sight. Ayano went inside her house and went into the kitchen, putting her snacks away for tomorrow, but that was just for camouflage for the pliers she got.

After putting everything away, Ayano went down to her basement where a girl was tied up.

Her mouth and eyes were covered.

"Sorry I took so long, but since I'm in a good mood I'll make sure this doesn't hurt as much" said Ayano as she held the pliers up.

Everyone's New Senpai (Budo X Ayano X Female Rivals)Where stories live. Discover now