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3rd POV
Team RWBY sat in class as they watched a documentary.
Announcer: I am most of this planet
I shaped it
Every stream, every cloud, and every raindrop
It all comes back to me.
One way or another
Every living thing here needs me
I am the source
I am what they crawled out of
Humans are not different
I don't owe them a thing
I give, they take
But I can always take it back
That's just the way it's always been
It's not their planet anyway
Never was, never will be
But human, they take more than their share
They poison me, then they expect me to feed them
Well it doesn't work that way
If human want to exist in nature with me, and off of me
I suggest they listen close
I'm going to say this once
If nature isn't kept healthy, human's won't survive
Simple as that
Me – I could not give a damn, with or without humans
I covered this entire planet once, and I can always cover it again
And that's all I have to say.
The documentary ended and the lights switched on. Yang looked over at Ruby who was unconscious on the table, drooling away.
Port: I hope you all enjoyed that documentary, I know today was an easier class, that's because of spring break happening.
All the students were trying to stay awake.
Port: your class is dismissed, I hope you all have a great day and I'll see you in ten days.
The students got up and Yang picked up Ruby.
Yang: come on Ruby, let's get some lunch and go to bed.
Ruby was dreaming hard.
Ruby: no mommy....I'm full.
Weiss: well atleast she's more quiet.
Blake looked through the window to see smoke coming from the city.
Blake: hey, what's going on over there?
Weiss: a new factory, don't worry I looked into it, they don't have cruel Faunus labor, infact the factory is run by a Faunus....though I can't say what they are doing is good for the environment.
Blake: what are they making?
Weiss: new shell casings for dust, I don't recommend buying it.
Blake followed Weiss as Yang put Ruby down at the table and sat down.
Yang: I didn't think that class was ever going to end....I need sleep.
Blake: honestly same, I wouldn't mind a cat nap.
Yang and Blake both looked at eachother.
Yang and Blake: EH!
Weiss: you two and your puns.
Ruby's eyes shot open.
Ruby: I heard a whale!
Everyone in the lunch room looked at Ruby and then continued back to their food.
Yang: you alright?
Ruby: long was I asleep for?
Yang: all of Port's.
Ruby: was a nice nap.
Meanwhile in the Factory.
Owner: if we can get this next shipment out we will be able to upgrade this place, make work easier.
Foreman: yes sir.
A small earthquake occurred, causing the shell casings to fall off the belt.
Owner: that's the fifth earthquake this month, what's going on?
Foreman: probably just some slight seismic activity like usual, after all we are in a factory.
Owner: I hope you're right....alright, let's get some bills paid.
The foreman and the Owner walked back into the office to start paying bills to keep the factory running.
?????: Boss!
Owner: what's going on?
??????: another Earthquake, even larger than last time.
Owner: what?!
Everyone in the factory remained silent, looking around as the sound echoed through the walls. In Vale everyone stopped moving, looking around, even the students in Beacon all stopped to look around.
Weiss: what was that?
Ruby's eyes were wide.
Yang: you alright?
Ruby: Yang.....that was the Whale.

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