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3rd POV
10 Years Later
Ruby sat on the patio of a wooden lodge, sharpening her weapon as she watched the leaves blow in the wind.

(All Credit goes to the artist)Ruby, now 29, stood up and walked down the three wooden steps and walked down the cobblestone path that led to the lodge

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(All Credit goes to the artist)
Ruby, now 29, stood up and walked down the three wooden steps and walked down the cobblestone path that led to the lodge.
????: Aunt Ruby!
She turned around to see a small little boy run up to her.
Ruby: yes Danny?
Danny: Aunt Blake told me that you were close to a kaiju. Is that true?
Ruby gave a soft smile as she kneeled down to look the young Danny in the eyes.
Ruby: yes....I did know a Kaiju....he and I were very close. I haven't seen him in years though.
Danny: can you tell me about him?
Ruby: well....he was strong and uh....stubborn.
Danny: was he destructive or was he an Earth Defender?
Ruby: he was...balance. May I ask where all of these questions are coming from?
Danny: Aunt Yang put on the news about a Kaiju fighting another Kaiju, one was huge! It had to be like a thousand feet.
Ruby: what was the other one?
Danny: it looked to be a giant Spider.
Ruby: do you think it's still on the tv?
Danny: it is! I'll show you!
Danny grabbed Ruby's hand and led her into the house, quickly showing her the tv.
News Reporter: as you can see the giant spider, reports naming it Kumonga, and this giant beast have been battling for the last ten minutes. The spider using its web to try and slow down its massive foe. The city has been torn up for the last hour from the spider.
The camera panned to show Godzilla, standing tall as it roared at Kumonga.

The camera panned to show Godzilla, standing tall as it roared at Kumonga

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(All credit goes to artist)
Weiss: Hey Ruby.
Ruby turned around to look at Weiss.
Ruby: yes?
Weiss: doesn't he look familiar? Wink wink
Ruby: Weiss!
Weiss: Hahahahaha!
Danny: Aunt Ruby....you knew that Kaiju?
Ruby: yes Danny....I did.
Danny: Woah! Tell me what he can do!
Ruby: Haha, alright calm down kid, sit down and we'll watch it.
Yang smiled as she walked over to Weiss.
Yang: it's a shame Y/N and Ruby didn't really work out.
Blake: it's obvious they still care heavily for eachother, but they both made the choice.
Weiss: they both agreed that he would be away too much, especially keeping this world Balanced.
The sound of a distort was heard from the tv as Godzilla unleashed a blast of Super Oscillatory Waves as Kumonga, sending the giant spider flying into a building.
Yang: it hasn't kept Ruby down though, which is all that matters.
Danny: what was that Aunt Ruby?
Ruby: I'll be honest with you, I don't think I've ever seen him do that one before.
The Electricity began to wrap around Godzilla as it unleashed an atomic blast at Kumonga, sending it through its thorax and killing it.
Danny: that was Awesome!
Godzilla roared into the sky in victory as it looked around the city and snorted before turning to the ocean and walking to it.
News Reporter: that's the end of that folks, let's hope there's no more of these Kaiju things.
Weiss: is someone gonna call the reporter and tell him that he's hoping for garbage?
Yang: Nah....where's the fun in that?
Ruby: hey Weiss....what city was that?
Weiss: Atlas.....we're close!
Ruby looked at Danny and grabbed his arm and ran out of the house.
Weiss: the dock?
Blake: where else?
Ruby ran down the path and stopped at the dock.
Danny: why did you bring me here?
Ruby: because we're close to Atlas, where the Kaiju fought....Over there!
The Dorsal plates went in front of the small island the girls and Danny were on.
Danny: No Way!
Ruby: cover your ears Danny.
He did as he was told as she shot some dust from her scythe into the sky, making Godzilla poke its head up in the distance. Godzilla looked over to see Ruby and Danny, though far away. It curved its tail towards them and lifted it out of the water before bringing it down quickly, creating a massive splash and allowing it to trickle from the sky onto Ruby and Danny.
Danny: Hahaha!
Ruby: thank you Y/N.....
Godzilla roared out before submerging to the depths below.

Speed of the Gods {Request} (Ruby Rose X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now