The City

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3rd POV
One Week Later
Life returned to normal after the monster attack, though the borders are much more protected than the last time where there was little to nothing to protect the good citizens of Vale. Inside the dorms Ruby woke up and stretched.
She looked around the room to see the other girls sleeping in bed.
She got up and quickly got ready and went out into the early morning city.
Meanwhile on the Island.
Y/N sat at the beach of the island, eating a coconut. He swallowed as he drew in the sand his plans, still thinking of what Darkness said.
Y/N: I'm to protect the humans and Faunus. I have to think about it through their point of view, not everyone reacts happily to a giant monster....but at the same time, they continue a barrage up and I could get wounded. But that's my job, to fight those so humans don't become more divided than they already are.
He heard the sound of water crashing against the rocks. He looked to his right and stood up, running up to the rocks to see something long and skinny treading along the waves.
The long figure stopped and looked to see Y/N on the rocks.

The long figure stopped and looked to see Y/N on the rocks

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Y/N: Manda.....or do you prefer Amanda cousin?
Manda growled as she sunk into the water and a blue haired female walked onto the beach to see Y/N standing on the rocks.

or do you prefer Amanda cousin?Manda growled as she sunk into the water and a blue haired female walked onto the beach to see Y/N standing on the rocks

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(All credit goes to artist)

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Amanda: I heard what you did to Orga, none of the others are happy that you killed family.
Y/N: I figured as much.
Amanda walked up to Y/N more and slapped him across the face.
Amanda: you killed him!
She punched him in the chest and continued hitting him.
Amanda: he was to be a father! He was collecting power!
Y/N: you know I can't let the humans die.
Amanda: so you kill family!?
Y/N: I didn't want to do it.
Y/N grabbed her wrists to stop her from hitting him. Her eyes filled with tears as she went to her knees. Y/N let go of her and began walking away.
Amanda: you'll die for what you've done.
Y/N: you know that won't happen Amanda.
Amanda: everyone pays for the blood they spill.
Y/N: you know that's a lie Amanda, you've killed plenty.
Amanda: I have, but I never killed my own kind.....twice.
Y/N: you know the first one was trying to destroy this planet and I had to put an end to him.
Amanda: he should've paid for his actions, stand trial by the other Kaiju.
Y/N: Ghidorah would not stand for that, he would rather die than to confess anything he's done wrong.
Amanda: you didn't have to kill him.
Y/N: if I didn't end Ghidorah, we would all be gone. You know it and I know it, and besides, that was over three hundred years ago.
Amanda: you expect to be forgiven after three hundred years?
Y/N: something along those lines.
Amanda stood up and went to slap Y/N again. He grabbed her wrist just before it made contact. Her eyes still watered and were filled with rage. Y/N was fed up and he threw her to the ground.
Y/N: I'm not dealing with you anymore Amanda.
Amanda: the others want your head Y/N.
Y/N: give them this message then. Send anyone they want, if they truly want more Death then that's what they'll do.
Amanda spit at Y/N and it landed on his face. She got up and walked back into the water, transforming back into a kaiju and swimming in the opposite direction she was originally.

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