Remote Island

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3rd POV
The waves on an island roared and splashed against the rock protecting it from boats. A boy walked along the sand, breathing heavily as he went to his knees. Water dropped from his face as he grabbed the sand on the ground. He picked it up and let it run through his fingers.
?????: I did what had to be done....I killed my own that humans....can live. Gods we are ungrateful creatures.
He stood up and walked towards a palm tree on the island, flicking the tree and making the entire thing fall. He picked up the tree and took a bite from it.
?????: this island still carries radiation from tests back when man cares, the Gods left it here for me to gain some of my power back as I rest.
He took another bite and swallowed hard. He put the irradiated tree down and went to the ocean and put his hands into the water. It turned light green around his hands and were being sucked in. The boy's spines began to leak normal color water, leaving no trace of green. He absorbed some of the radiation from the water for himself. He then stood up and looked out on the horizon.
?????: they'll be punished always happens.
He walked back to the center of the island, his feet going into the ground. He breathed out as more nutrients went into him.
?????: yep....this is good base for a short period of time.
Meanwhile in Vale.
Ruby and the other girls walked into their dorms and lied down on their beds.
Yang: today.....sucked.
Ruby: probably should've skipped that concert and listened about the whale noises.
Yang: ok my fault, I was just excited for Xai.
Blake: This thing Attack's Vale and leaves.
Ruby: there definitely more to it, Godzilla probably wouldn't come to attack...if I remember everything correctly.
Weiss: but why emerge?
Yang: like said, fight over territory like a wild animals. I'm pretty sure Bears do it along with wolves.
Ruby: but what if it isn't like that, instead what if it was trying to protect us?
Yang: Rubes, I trust a Beowulf more than a 1000 foot monster.
Ruby: come on Yang.
Weiss: so it's either here to help, or here to kill, either way it left Vale after the fight with something that was seen destroying a building.
Blake: none of this makes sense at all...
The girls all remained quiet to think to themselves about Godzilla.
Back on the Island.
The boy laid on his back, breathing in and out heavily. His eyes were closed as he gripped the sand once again.
?????: this is what peace is.
?????: I'm glad you think so.
His eyes shot open as he quickly stood up to see a black figure standing there.
?????: Darkness!
Darkness: it's been a very long time Y/N. Before you ask, no I am not truly here, I am just a vision, my brother wanted to talk to you, but you were protecting humanity....from your own cousin for that matter.
Y/N: it was a hard decision my's difficult to keep these humans at peace with one another, especially when family gets involved for their lives.
Darkness: I understand, humans are vile at times, they turned on my brother and I all because of Salem.
Y/N: I've heard of her, you spared me when she caused the revolt.
Darkness: I didn't....we did, we used the youth at the time, making you the third oldest in this world.
Y/N: I'm just an ancestor to the L/N family.
Darkness: that is true. Y/N, my brother and I want you to give you the choice. After what the humans did to you with their primitive weaponry, you can leave them for a monster attack if you so choose.
Y/N: I don't know yet.
Darkness: I know. You have a good heart
Y/N, you're respectful and we know that you have control unlike others.
Y/N: thank you.
Darkness: The next time we communicate with you, it will be my brother who does it. Farewell Y/N.
He disappeared in front of Y/N's eyes. The boy took a step back and turned around to look at the ocean.
Y/N: what do I do?

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