Monster Attack

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3rd POV
Amanda: Y/ will never truly be a full blood kaiju....none of us do....a kaiju must destroy those who threaten us....Atlas has a military that can severely hurt us....they will be the next target of the kaiju.....Roy!
A man with bat wings walked up to her.
Roy: what is it?
Amanda: Atlas has things that can hurt us, you being as powerful as you are, you are more than likely able to destroy them with ease. The council will want to know when you'll leave.
Roy: immediately.
Meanwhile on the island.
The Bullhead released more powder to fight the radiation, Ruby slowly walked over to Y/N. He looked up at her and she sat down across from him.
Ruby: what happens with you now? I know you protect, but the kingdom's don't.
Y/N: I wait here for another three hundred years I suppose. I mean there's enough radiation here for me.
Ruby: holy cow! You look so young!
Y/N: First time I ever heard that.
Yang's scroll them began to ring.
Yang: hello?
Glynda: hey girls, I have one tiny question for you.
Yang: shoot.
Glynda: WHERE ARE YOU?! You aren't getting picked up on the satellite!
Y/N: I blame radiation.
Glynda: who is that there with you!?
Ozpin*distant*: Atlas is under attack!
The call then switched to live feed of a high pitched roar and a giant devilish beast landing in the city.
Y/N's head perked up when he heard the roar.
The scroll call then ended and the girls all looked at eachother. Y/N put his head back against the tree and sighed.
Blake: what is that thing?
Y/N: Destroyah.
The girls all looked at Y/N as he stood up.
Weiss: what?
Y/N: Destroyah, one of many Kaiju cousins.
Ruby: I thought you said you were the last of your line?
Y/N: my human bloodline, but the kaiju bloodline runs free, now we go by cousins since we are strong together, but we aren't as bonded as brother or sister. That's how it was explained when I found the kaiju.
Ruby: doesn't that mean you can talk to this thing and try to make him stop?
Y/N: he won't listen, I'm no longer with Kaiju.
Yang: why?
Y/N: because I killed family, and besides, I don't plan to help humans.
RWBY: What?!
Ruby: but my dream told me-
Y/N: your dream told you what? That I would protect the kingdom's of Remnant? I'm not protecting these humans no more!
Blake: Y/N listen, I've been hurt to, but you can't turn your ba-
Y/N: I already have, humans don't care about us, I protect them and I make it obvious to the dumbest of them that I'm trying to help. I'm going to stay here and let them think on how this could have been avoided.
Ruby: don't you atleast want to think about this at all?
Y/N: not really no.
Ruby looked at her with her silver eyes.
Ruby: please......
Y/N: no
Yang: we got what we wanted Ruby, now let's leave, I feel my aura about to break.
The rest of the team RWBY went into the bullhead.
Ruby: I won't to change your mind.
She got in the Bullhead, then taking off and heading towards Atlas, disobeying Glynda's words.
Y/N looked at the Bullhead leave and went to go back under his tree. He then closed his eyes and breathed out.
Her eyes looked right up at me.
Ruby: please.
*flashback end*

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