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3rd POV
Y/N went beneath the shade of a palm tree and closed his eyes as the sun remained high in the sky. He then went to bed, then into a dream.
(Play Music if you want)
Dream Begin
Y/N looked at a little boy with gold hair, crying that his mother died in an accident with a nuclear power plant.

(Play Music if you want)Dream BeginY/N looked at a little boy with gold hair, crying that his mother died in an accident with a nuclear power plant

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Y/N: I'm sorry kid.
?????: get away from me.
Y/N: lets make this easy please. Who are you?
????: Rah.
Y/N: Rah, I'm Y/N.
Rah: why are you being so....talkative to me?
Y/N: everyone needs a friend kid, just so happens that I found you out here all alone.
The forest surrounded them.
Rah: what are you doing here?
Y/N: you see that grave?
Rah: yeah?
Y/N: where my little brother was when he died. I watched it happen. He was smiling as if it were any other day....there was a big flash of light....everything I cared about was gone.
Rah: I-I'm sorry.
Y/N: you don't have to be sorry about anything....but you could possibly use it as a lesson.
Rah: what's that?
Y/N: don't let death hold you stops you from becoming someone that can help others.
Y/N gave a soft smile as he put his hand out to help the young boy. Rah grabbed his hand and began walking with him.
Timeskip 6 months.
Meanwhile in a Court Room.
Amanda: you can't seriously bring a young boy to us?
Org: I agree, you can't, you've been exiled for 10 years, and you come back with a child.
Y/N: it's something I chose, the boy has nobody.
Lona: Y/N....why did you bring him really? Is it guilt over your brother? The one you swore to protect but instead watched as he died.
Y/N: you're on thin ice Lona!
Gan: how about we cut him up, after all, he is just a boy.
Org: Gan, please shut up.
Y/N: listen, I'll watch the kid, make sure he doesn't get in any trouble. I'll train him!
Rah: uh Y/N?
Y/N turned around to see Rah's hands swarming with electricity.
Y/N: Rah?
Rah: what's happening?!
Y/N ran over as the court members watched. Y/N grabbed his wrists and looked at them.
Y/N: too young to have a me your neck boy.
Rah did as he was told and saw three golden spikes on the back of his neck.
Y/N: you're kaiju!
Amanda: what did you say Y/N?
Y/N: they boy....he's one of us, Kaiju Blood corses through his veins!
Timeskip Ten Years.
Y/N walked to see Rah practicing, seeing two dragon heads coming from his human body, but quickly losing concentration.
Y/N: what are you calling it?
Rah: what?
Y/N: I saw the dragon heads, everyone needs a name for their kaiju, what will yours be?
Rah: I haven't given it much though....what made you pick "Godzilla"?
Y/N: As you know I was spared by the Wrath of the Gods. They told me that they wanted a creature that anyone that tried to have too much power would be feared. They gave me the powers to transform. I decided to use them as inspiration, Godzilla.
Rah: how about.....Ghidorah.
Y/N: I like it Kid.
Timeskip 5 years.
Rah: I didn't mean to attack him! He came from no where and came for me.
Gan: I saw the entire thing, he begged you for mercy.
Rah: after trying to attack me, don't you understand!? I'm not the bad guy here!
Amanda: you killed one of us, your family! You now must have punishment. Permanent Exile.
Rah's face sank as Y/N stood behind him by the wall in silence. The court stood up and began to walk off.
Rah: I'll make you pay....I'll make you all pay!
Y/N: Rah!
Rah shoved Y/N to the side as he reached for him. Rah ran out of the courtroom, being followed by Y/N.
Rah: I will not let them have their control anymore!
Y/N: you can't fight these Kaiju son, they're too powerful along with you being inexperienced!
Rah: I know........
Timeskip  300 years before present day
Y/N stood on the beach as a golden dragon was seen in the distance.
Y/N: I'm sorry....I'm sorry it had to come to this.
Y/N's spines began to expand as he transformed, roaring out, and getting the attention of Ghidorah, the three headed golden dragon. Ghidorah roared out at Godzilla before quickly launching at a massive speed.
Godzilla's spines quickly charged as he aimed for the chest of Ghidorah, the unleashing an atomic blast.

The blast shot through Ghidorah's chest, sending the giant golden Titan into space before imploding and covering the sky with gold dust

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The blast shot through Ghidorah's chest, sending the giant golden Titan into space before imploding and covering the sky with gold dust. Godzilla then transformed back into Y/N with a tear in his eye.
Y/N: I'm sorry brother.
Timeskip 10 minutes.
Y/N stood before the court with the look of despair.
Amanda: Y/N L/ killed one of your own, you know what happens.
Y/N: permanent Exile......
Amanda: there's no forgiveness for something like this Y/N.
Y/N:.....I know.
For the last 300 years I remained dormant in Mount Glenn. I became one with the land, making sure no threat of anything would come to attack.

Dream End
3rd POV
Y/N's eyes shot open as the sun set on the horizon. He looked out at the sun setting and tightened his hand into a fist.
Y/N: I'm sorry Rah.....

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