He Speaks

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3rd POV
Y/N: I don't think that's a good idea.
Yang: come on! Train with us!
Y/N: I would kill you.
Weiss: you for real want to go with gamer threats?
Y/N: no I'm being serious, I would accidentally kill you if you wanted to train with me.
Blake: keep talking and you're going to make Yang want to fight you even more.
Y/N: how do I say in a way that it won't make her.
Blake: I don't know.
Weiss: we'll discuss this later
An airship flew overhead.
Y/N: I assume someone special is in that airship.
Weiss: yes.
Y/N: Winter?
Weiss: how did you know?
Y/N: the look in your eyes. Now let's head back up, I needed the fresh air, now I need to head back to Ozpin.
Weiss: what about a shower?
Y/N: I will once these plans are set.
Blake: ew.
Y/N and the girls went back to Beacon to see Winter leaving her airship.
Weiss: Hey Winter! How was your flight?
Winter: satisfactory....I saw your fight, you could've ended it quicker if you hadn't missed five opportunities.
Y/N: I'll leave the family quarrel here, I'm going to go up to Ozpin.
Winter: guide me up then.
Y/N: excuse me?
Winter: make a good example on how a man should act in front of four girls.
Y/N: how about you follow and I walk.
????: how about you two shut up and let's head up.
She ran up to the drunken man and hugged.
Ruby: it's so good to see you! Did you miss me?!
He then patted her on the head.
Ironwood: Qrow, you ready.
Winter: he's apart of this?
Y/N: why are you looking at me, I'm not the one that picked these people.
Ozpin: relax, let's hurry up to my offi-.....are you really drinking from a flask on my campus?
Qrow: more than likely, why?
Y/N felt a high pitched ringing in his head and quickly put his hand to it.
Ruby: Y/N! Are you alright?
This ringing was hurting my ears.
?????: planning won't stop me Y/N, you and everyone you care for is done for.
The ringing stopped and my eyes shot open, I broke out into a sweat and started breathing heavy.
Ozpin: is everything alright?
Me: More Military needed.
Ironwood: we're stretched thin as it is.
Me: trust me, you'll need something powerful....let ahead back to the office....NOW!
Winter, Ozpin, and the others all looked at me worriedly. I began walking back to the office as I heard their footsteps follow me.
Timeskip to Office
I sat down in one of the chairs and held my head.
Glynda: are you okay?
Me: not at all...Qrow is it? Pass me that flask.
Qrow tossed it over and I quickly chugged it before tossing it back.
Qrow: well a new bottle is needed, Oz do you mind?
Ironwood: I think you're tired, maybe you should get some sleep.
Me: I can't, not after what I heard.
Ironwood: what was it?
Me: you wouldn't understand, Oz, get over here.
Ozpin: what's wrong?
Me: the light show is going to return, he....he spoke to me.
Ozpin's eyes widened.
Ozpin: what did he say?
Me: everyone is going to die to put it lightly.
Ozpin: were you just hearing things?
Me: no....I couldn't have....
Qrow: what does he mean by light show?
Ozpin: something horrible, Come on! We need to plan this out more.
I stood up and walked over to the table, I felt the sweat drip down onto my hand.
Me: Gods watch after us.

Speed of the Gods {Request} (Ruby Rose X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now