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3rd POV
It has been three weeks since the voice spoke to Y/N, the finals are happening this day as well.
Ozpin: I have to say, this plan has done pretty well.
Y/N: it has, I just hope this all works out.
Ozpin: I suggest we should celebrate our plan.
Y/N: I would like that.
Ozpin pulled out a bottle of Whiskey and filled two shot glasses with it.
Ozpin: to Beacon.
Y/N: to Beacon.
They both drank their whiskey and placed the glass down on the table.
Y/N: I have to tell ya, 4 weeks without sleep doesn't feel that good.
Ozpin: why not take a few hours.
Y/N: gladly.
Y/N closed his eyes and immediately went unconscious.
Ozpin: must've been really tired.
Ozpin's scroll began to ring, it was Glynda.
Ozpin: hello?
Glynda: the finals are happening as we speak, take a watch if you're not bu- is that snoring?
Ozpin: we finished the plan, he's finally sleeping.
Glynda: well good, hopefully he'll be able to take a shower too.
Meanwhile in the Land of Darkness.
?????: my patience is growing dim Salem.
Salem: I should only be a few more minutes before you can attack again.....I must ask one question though?
????: what is it?
Salem: if you're already dead.....then how will you have any effect on him? Answer me that....Rah
Rah: simple, with the power Cinder has I can join this realm and kill Y/N.
Salem: how does this work though?
Rah: think of it like a seer, though instead of seeing something of this world, they'll be something that was once from this world. The gods both screwed us with this. With my power reformed, if you so please, you may be able to die.
Salem: I've tried....I can't.
Rah: I'm from a different universe now, your laws of physics don't work on me.
Salem: I hope you're right.
Rah's eyes began sparkling.
Rah: my time has come.....keep an eye out for me.
He phased into nothing.
Back at Beacon
Pyrrha went to her knees as she saw the orange haired robot female on the ground lifeless.
Pyrrha: what.....what have I done?!
On a building in Vale, Cinder yelled out in pain as she went to one knee. Her eye became imprinted with a yellow star as the tattoo on her back began to glow white.
A black sphere appeared in the sky, then another until three were there.
Student: what's going on?
Civilian: what are those?
Y/N remained unconscious in the chair in Ozpin's office. Yang ran in to see that Ozpin was gone, leaving a sticky note on Y/N's chest.
"Do not Disturb"
Yang: yeah I'm ignoring that.
She grabbed Y/N by the shirt.
Yang: wake up!
She slapped him across the face and shook him more.
Yang: Wake Up! There's a big black hole in the sky!
Y/N slowly opened his eye.
Y/N: what are you doing?
Lightning struck from one of the black holes in the sky as electricity began surging from it.
Y/N finally opened his eyes to realize what was outside.
Y/N: lets go! Try and evacuate everyone from the college!
Yang: right!
Y/N ran through the halls of Beacon as his breath began turning a neon blue. He ran outside of the academy and stood at the end of the floating platform.

⚠️Play Music if you want to⚠️

From one of the holes a familiar head came out.
A massive head and neck came from the hole and went straight to Beacon, then forming in a boy who looked like he was in his 20's.
Rah: don' don't have the right to say anything like that to me!
Y/N: kid listen.....I'm....I'm sorry.
Rah: you're would've stood by my side when I was being kicked away from my family, the family you brought me into!
Y/N: kid I-
Rah: killed killed me Y/N, I have the scar after all these years. That's the thing about death, you always have the reminder of how you died.
He pulled down his shirt to show a massive scar.
Rah: three hundred years have passed, and have been on my mind the entire time.
Y/N: Rah......I loved a son to me.
Rah: I'm sorry.....but dad's stand by their child as they're being cast out.
Y/N: Rah please.....don't do this.
Rah: you left me no choice, all those agonizing years, being tortured by the animals you sent me to!
Y/N's eyes began watering as Rah stood there, his sanity lost.
Rah: I'm going to enjoy killing took....everything from me!
Y/N: I'm.....I'm sorry.
Ruby watched from the colosseum to see Y/N talking to another person. Rah grabbed Y/N and threw him into the city.
Ruby: No!
Weiss grabbed Ruby's arm.
Weiss: he'll live.
Y/N fell into the streets, a tear escaping his eye as he got up. Rah transformed back into Ghidorah as three heads came through the black holes. Y/N looked at his hands and closed his eyes tightly
Y/N: I'm sorry kid.....I wish I could make this right.

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