Y/N and Ozpin

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3rd POV
Ozpin: so let me get this straight....you were sent by the Gods to protect humanity because of what someone called Salem did?
Y/N: sounds about right.
Ozpin: girls....leave us, he'll be out in a few.
Team RWBY walked to the elevator and went down, Ozpin then grew a smile across his face.
Ozpin: so you're the youngest of us three?
Y/N: what?
Ozpin: the gods mentioned you some years back, saying that there's the good, the evil and the balance. I'm the good.
Y/N: and Salem is the evil. I'm supposed to be the balance correct?
Ozpin: correct. Now take a seat and lets talk.
Y/N walked over to the chair and took his seat.
Ozpin: where have you been living?
Y/N: used to be in Mount Glenn.
Ozpin: doesn't sound comfortable.
Y/N: slept like a baby though.
Ozpin: what exactly did the Gods ask of you?
Y/N: keep humans in check basically.
Ozpin: which was the last one you spoke to?
Y/N: Darkness. Guy may be the not so nice brother but I can trust him enough that he doesn't lie.
Ozpin: that is right, the Gods do not lie
Y/N: doesn't mean they tell the entire truth as well.
Ozpin: that is correct.
Y/N: so....what's the whole thing with Salem, I mean, she's the evil, why not just take it out?
Ozpin: well the thing is Salem cannot be killed.
Y/N: there's always a way to kill someone.
Ozpin: the Gods cursed her with immortality, not only that, when she went into the lake in the land of darkness, it caused her.....more pain.
Y/N: how's that?
Ozpin: as you know she can't die, but she can't feel anything, can't feel the happiness from food, or the fun of drink, not even the warmth of people wanting to help her.
Y/N: well that sucks.
Ozpin: it does.....
Y/N: Ozpin.....what did you lose?
Ozpin: excuse me?
Y/N: what did you lose? You know....when humanity was first wiped out?
Ozpin: I'm afraid I didn't lose anything....I was already dead, but resurrected. What about you?
Y/N: I lost my little brother, the same boy I swore to protect.
Ozpin: I'm sorry.
Y/N: thank you......what's the plan now?
Ozpin: I'm afraid it's too early for a plan.
Y/N: how?
Ozpin: well, the gods told me that what I built will come to an end.
Y/N: what does that mean?
Ozpin: the very room you're standing in.....all of Beacon....will fall.....soon.
Y/N stood up.
Y/N: shouldn't we evacuate?
Ozpin: there's no saying when it could happen...but this body will die, and I will go to someone else. Beacon falling will be a push for other hunters and huntresses to fight. To bring balance to this world so the gods can return. You will have to lead them when the time comes.
Y/N: I can't lead Ozpin.....I raised a child for some years and he turns on everything I taught him. Was he in the right with it....yes, but I had to decide. Rah, or the world.
Ozpin: who's Rah?
Y/N: do you remember the light show about 300 years ago?
Ozpin: the golden one?
Y/N: yes....the golden one.
Ozpin: I don't remember much....I just remember one day it appeared and within seconds, it was gone.
Y/N: Rah, he called that form Ghidorah, a powerful creature that I had to kill.....I led the boy to his own death, I made the move to.
Ozpin: you killed him?
Y/N: I did....yes it was for the world....but imagine having to put down your kid. Yes he wasn't mine. But the more I think about it...the more I realize he was a son.
Ozpin: I'm sorry.
Y/N: Ozpin, just so there's as little death as possible, let's please set up a plan to try and stop Beacon from falling.
Ozpin remained silent for a few seconds before putting his cup of coffee down.
Ozpin: alright, we'll need Atlas to guard the borders....and a lot of fire power if necessary.
Y/N: atleast we have something.

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