Chapter 62

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Cally's pov

The next morning, I woke up in my bed. Head buried in my pillow and blanket pulled over me. Minho was gone, but I knew he had tugged me in since the last thing I remembered was falling asleep against his chest.
     After last night, I actually felt better than before, not a lot better, but just enough for my brain to not be overloaded with emotions anymore.

When I walked into the kitchen, I noticed I had slept in. Most Gladers were already gone to work, including Minho, Ezra, Chuck, and Newt. At least, that's what I assumed since I didn't see them. Thomas wasn't there either, but I knew he was supposed to be in the Slammer for today. I thought it was ridiculous that they locked Thomas up, but on the other side, I understood that it was necessary to keep an order in a place like this. You break a rule, you suffer the consequences. I understood, but that didn't mean I agreed with it in every case.
     I quickly ate my breakfast and gave Bark hers before I went up to the Med-room. There I was greeted by a group of people. Clint and Jeff were there, and as usual, the coma girl, but also Newt, who was talking with Alby. When I saw Alby, I was a little surprised. He looked good, his skin was his normal color again, his eyes weren't red anymore, and he was eating like a horse.
     "You're looking good." I said to Alby with a smile, who didn't smile back, he just glared up at me for a second.
     "I feel like klunk."
     I rolled my eyes. "I said you look good, I know that doesn't mean you also feel good."
     "Cally?" I turned my attention to Clint, who had addressed me.
     The Keeper of the Med-jacks gestured me to join him and Jeff in their conversation, so I did. "Are you okay with having the shift 'till lunch?"
     I looked at the two boys, a little suspicion in my eyes. "No, but... why? I thought I wasn't supposed to work alone yet?"
     The two boys exchanged a look before Clint answered, "I think you're ready. Besides, there will only be the girl, and we already fed her."
     I still looked at the two with suspicion, Clint just avoided my first question. But I still rolled with it, "Yeah, sure. I can do it."
     The two older boys' faces lit up with a smile, "Great!" Jeff said, and before I knew it, they had both left.
     I looked down at Bark, "what do you think those Shanks are up to?" Bark didn't reply, of course, she just stared up at me with her tongue hanging out of her mouth.
     "They're probably snogging in some closet."
     I turned my attention to Newt, who had answered my question. I chuckled shortly, "Yeah, sure."
     "No, really. I walked in on them yesterday when I came to check if things were goin' all right." I searched Newt's face to find some trace that he was messing with me, but he wasn't. Now I started laughing.
     "I knew it!" I exclaimed.
     "It's not really that hard to miss." Newt pointed out, also a smile on his face.
     At that point, I noticed someone was missing, "Where's Alby?" I asked Newt, who answered by waving it away.
     "Went for a walk. We're splittin' jobs now 'cause he still can't do all of 'em." I nodded that I understood. I wanted to ask him something, but the girl, that I knew as Teresa, started mumbling, drawing my attention to her.
     "It's the girl, isn't it? From the picture you showed me."
     "What?" I had no clue what he was talking about.
     Newt turned his attention to me instead of the comatose girl. "When ya showed me that picture on your phone. The first month or something you were here. The picture of you and your friend in front of a big poster 'bout the movie. There was a girl on the poster, but that wasn't you. Ya didn't say who it was, but it was her, right?" I let Newt's words sink in. I didn't think he would put those things together, I honestly thought he had forgotten about it just like I had. "Well?" Newt asked me again, I turned my eyes from him to her before nodding slightly.
     "Yeah, that's her."
     "So you know her?" I couldn't look at Newt right now, knowing I had lied to him.
     "Kinda," I mumbled.
     "Why didn't you tell me?"
     I kept my eyes glued to the girl and rubbed my arm, "Alby told me not to." Now I carefully glanced up at Newt, who had a slightly hurt expression. "He didn't want me to tell anyone anything about the girl. He didn't tell me why."
     Newt nodded his head. "So you know her name?" He asked me. On which I responded with a nod.
     "I think it's Teresa, but I could be wrong."
     When I mentioned her name, Newt became more interested. An almost exited expression came on his face. "The Greenie was right." He said, I only looked confused at him. Newt seemed to notice, so he started to explain. "Yesterday, I took Tommy here and told him to look at her 'till somethin' popped loose from that brain of his. And it did. He said the girl's name was Teresa. The Shank was bloody right."
     This also peeked my interest. "Really? What else did he say?"
     Now, Newt expression changed, it was a bit more confused and worried. "Nothin' much. He said something 'bout the girl talkin' to him in his head. Then he freaked out and ran off into the Maze."
     My eyes grew wide with worry when I heard that. "He's in the Maze?" I asked in a small voice.
     Newt quickly shook his head, "No, don't worry. He came back before the walls closed. He's in the Slammer now."
     "Ow," I said, letting out a relieved breath. "Okay, great. Kinda."
     A smile grew on Newt's face, apparently finding amusement in my response before he turned serious again. "Do you remember anything else? About her?"
     Again, I let my gaze go over the sleeping girl. I knew she was the female main character in the movie, I knew I had seen her during the Changing when she injected me with a red liquid. The same liquid that we found inside my former bracelet and most certainly also was in my new one. I knew that, or at least I thought I knew that, after she got here, hell would break loose. But that hadn't happened, so I was starting to think that wasn't going to happen at all. And then there was the thing that she was Thomas' love interest.
     "Cals?" Newt's voice broke me out of my thoughts. I looked back at him and then nodded,
     "I know a few things. But I already told Alby, and he told me not to tell." Newt crossed his brows, seemingly deep in his own thoughts. "I'm sorry." I said to him, on which he responded with a small smile.
     "It's okay. No need to apologize for keepin' your word." I nodded, crossing my arms. I felt bad for not telling him, it felt like I made him think I didn't trust him. Which I did. But Newt didn't seem to think like that. "I've got to get my butt to work, as do you." He said while walking towards the door, "See ya at lunch." He said with a smile.
     "Yeah, see ya."

The day went by very slow. After lunch, I had walked through the Deadheads with Bark. It was nice to do since I hadn't done that in a while. I had talked to Chuck, but he seemed sad. I asked him what was wrong, and he answered with nothing. I wanted to push him since I knew there definitely was something wrong. But when I tried, he just cut me off and walked away. It hurt a little that Chuck just walked away from me, but I couldn't be angry at him for it.
     Thomas had been inside the Slammer for quite some time now. I had thought about what Newt had told me. About Thomas saying he heard Teresa's voice inside his head. I knew it was possible to hear a voice, I had heard one inside my head after I got through  the Changing. But this seemed different. I wanted to talk with Thomas about it, but decided not to. At least not today. I didn't think it was fair to confront somebody with something like that while they couldn't leave the situation if they wanted to. So I decided to wait with talking to him after he got out. Which was right now. Alby had taken it up himself to get our Greenie out of the Slammer.
     The first thing Thomas did after he got out, was eat. Frypan had kept food for him aside, together with a plate of cookies. So, of course, when Fred told me this, I joined the Greenie when he ate. Just as Minho and Ezra. The four of us were sitting around the table, listening to Minho, who was telling Thomas things he needed to know before going into the Maze. I, on my turn, filled in on Minho's information with my own experiences. Even though I only had been a Runner for a month.
     "Ya know, I remember this story," Minho started. "About a woman, who also got trapped inside a Maze. So what the Shank did, was she placed her right hand on the wall and started walking. Never taking her right hand off the wall. Because of this, she could only turn right and ended up getting out." 
     When Minho stopped talking, Ezra piped up. "That does make sense, pretty sure it had something to do with the laws of physics and math. But I ain't good at that shit."
     I laughed, "Join the club, Brother-mine." Ezra lifted his hand, so I gave him a high five.
     "Why don't we just do that?" Thomas asked, earning a slight grown from Minho.
     "We did, but we always end up back inside this shuck place."
     I sighed, "probably has to do with the changing walls." As I mumbled, I placed my head on my arms. Getting down from the thought of not getting out anytime soon.
     "We must be missing something," Thomas said, making me snort.
     "No shit, Sherlock." I mumbled again.
     "Well!" Minho piped up, "that's what we're here for. Tomorrow, your training will start, and then ya can try to find the missing piece yourself." 

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