Chapter 1

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Vanessa has been sitting there for almost three hours, listening to her sister Tamara. Three hours of non-requested advice on her love life. Yes, she was single. Yes for some time now. Four years. No, she did not miss being in a relationship. She did not miss being lied to and pretending to be okay with it. She did not miss the cheating. She did not miss the complaints and the not so subtle criticizes. And above all, she did not miss the feeling of being constantly drag through the mud only because she wanted a successful career.

Her sister was the perfect example of an accomplished woman. At 36, her life was well balanced between her family and friends and her job as a HR head. With her 5.8 ft. and lean frame, she exuded of grace like a beautiful swan. Nothing seemed to undermine her aura, not even her 4 pregnancies. Her only resemblance with Vanessa was their gorgeous dark skin and pinkish cute little mouth. She was drop dead gorgeous.

Vanessa on the other side had always been on the shorter side. Her facial features were fine and delicate. Her sister loved to say that if she was as delicate in her relationship with the opposite sex, as her appearance was, she would have been married long time ago. She didn't bother answering to that anymore. She was an ambitious young woman (29 years). She refused to feel sorry for being herself: smart, stubborn and independent. 

If there was one thing she had learned throughout the years with her sister, it was to choose her battles wisely. And she knew better than to argue with her sister on the subject of having a man. So she just smiled, revealing her  dimples as she took her class of wine on the table.

" Vane, you have to realize that you cannot stay alone forever! You have to move on". She said staring at her younger sister.

Vanessa clenched her free fist, repeating in her head: You'll be gone in a few. Stay calm. 

Her sister made her feel judged under the scrutinity of her doe eyes. Nothing new, one would say. Yet, so annoying.

" I did move on. I have a good job and I am happy. It is what matters, isn't it!"

"You're happy?! Sorry, but I do not see it. All I see is a lonely girl, who will wake up one day and have regrets."

"Not everyone aspires to have a husband, kids and a suburban house like you Tamy. Why can't you respect my choices? This is my life. Not yours."

"Oh! So now you don't want kids? But they love you. I am even hurt to recognize that I am a little jealous of the relation you have with my children. You are so good with them. You would be a wonderful mum."

Vanessa sighed.

"Tamy, look. Can we not do that? Please! I'm leaving in an hour and I don't want to argue with you."

"We are not arguing. I just want what best for you. You have to let go."

"Fine! Will you let me be, if I told you that I've started going out on dates?"

"Really?" Her sister excitedly asked.

Vanessa rolled her eyes at the sudden enthusiasm.

"Yes, really".

"Oh great. You should have told me that earlier! So anyone interesting?"

Vanessa looked at Tamara. The truth was that she wasn't exactly dating any guy, she was talking to one man for almost a year now, Carl. Her friend Stacy put him in contact with her, but they haven't met yet. They both agreed on getting to know each other before anything. She thought at the time that it was a good idea: learn to appreciate someone not base on the look but the personality. And she had to admit that she was pleasantly surprised. Carl was funny, supportive, respectful, smart and genuine. She didn't know him yet, well physically, but she was slowly falling for him. He was her little piece of sunshine.

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