Chapter 10

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"Oh my God! Nessa! What you did was stupid! I told you that this Trevor was nothing but troubles!" Vanessa hadn't been able to close her eyes all night long. She felt guilty for what happened with Trevor. She kept reliving the event of the night. How was she supposed to look at Jered now? He had always been good to her. Never giving her a reason to complain. And she couldn't say the same.

"I know you said that Stacy."

"I told you but you never listen. You messed up big!"

"I know. You don't have to remind me."

"You acted like a childish stupid hoe!"

"Damn, Stacy!"

"At least, we know now that he is well equipped down there and he can make you scream in ecstasy." She replied laughing.

"That's not funny."

"What did you expect me to say!? What will you do now to make up for your stupidity?"

"I have no idea. Jered is your friend. He has every right to be mad at me. Please, tell what to do."

"It's complicated. Jered isn't one to stay mad at people for long as you."

"I tried to call him, but he turned off his phone."

"What were you supposed to do today with him?"

"Camping with his family."

"That's not the kind of public you want in situation like this."

"Tell me about it!" she replied sarcastic. "I'm not sure I want to join them today. Maybe I should leave and go back home."

"Without making things alright? No! You don't want to do that. That would be a big mistake Nessa. Make sure to find a solution. If you don't tackle this challenge now you will lose him."

"That's a big challenge."

"You're responsible. Go and force him to listen to you. If you have to, beg him, cry till he accept your apologies. Hang your pride in the closet before going to him. Oh! And make sure you erase that asshole from your life."

"Trevor is not an asshole"

"I can't believe it! You can't be defending him. He is ruining your relationship with the man you love. Stop talking to him. Erase any proof you know him, delete every texts, messages, everything. Pretend you've never meet him. Just ignore him. He is not good for you. I said it once, twice, actually more than I can count."

"Okay, but..."

"Shut up Nessa and do as I say. For once in your life, go win back your love."


Vanessa was getting ready when she received a text. Trevor: "Hey baby, I miss you. Let me know when you get back. We will Netflix and chill ;) kiss." She did as Stacy advised, put him on blacklist.

She was about to call a cab when she received another text. This time from Jered: "Be ready in 10, mom will pick you up."

"Okay!" At least he wanted her there.

That day was depressing. He didn't talk to her after the greeting when she arrived. He completely ignored her. Whenever she tried to make contact, he was so cold. Iceland was a tropical paradise compared to him. She didn't know what to do. She was losing patience. She just wanted to cry. She went to sit on her own on the grass, a little far from the other. She slouched and held her head with her hands. She had lost him. Her presence was pointless. Tears ran down her cheeks. She didn't care hiding them. She was alone.

"Just give him some time sweetie."

She raised her head surprised. It was his mom Clara.

"Hey, don't cry sweetie."

"I'm sorry Clara", said Vanessa swiping her tears. "I don't feel good. I didn't mean to ruin your family picnic. I'll just call a taxi and go back to the hotel." She said with a sad smile.

"No you're not. I know there's an issue with you and Jered. Don't give up sweetie. I like you a lot. Come back with the rest of us. Jered loves you. Everything will be alright."

"Thank you Clara. I really appreciate you coming here to talk to me. However, I won't be good company. And to be true, I already called the cab and he will be here in a minute."

"Oh!" Clara seemed sincerely disappointed. "Okay. But I want you with us tomorrow for brunch before you go to the airport."

"I would have love that. However, I booked a new flight. I'm leaving tonight."

"I see. Too bad. Well I'll be waiting for you to come say goodbye to everyone over there. Just don't forget that it's never too late to do right. Don't give up on him" and with that she left.

Vanessa took a few seconds to collect herself before getting up.

When she got up, Clara went straight to her son. "If you don't put your ego aside and talk to that poor girl, you will lose her."


"Don't mom me! She was crying just few seconds ago because you're stupid!"


"Shut up Jered. She's leaving town tonight."

"Goodbye then."

"Didn't you said you love her? You were about to propose yesterday, for God's sake! I don't know what happened but being with the person you love isn't always easy. You have to fight, compromise, forgive and move on to make it works. At least talk to her. If you let her go like that you'll regret. You'll never know if you made the right decision."

He looked past the shoulders of his mom and he saw Vanessa who was walking toward them. Her face was blank but he could tell she was hurt. Her eyes were a little red. He felt bad. Yes he was hurt when he found out about that Trevor pursuing her. He almost had sex with her and not for the right reasons. He wanted for their first time together to be perfect, as cheesy as it might sound. He knew he would have regretted having sex out of anger. He loved her. And realizing she was talking to other guys who were trying to steal her from him, especially when he wanted to propose made him mad. Maybe she wasn't as into him as he was into her. Probably the reason why she didn't introduce him to her mom and friends. All this story made him unsecured. He barely slept at night. When he saw her today, all beautiful, he wanted her to feel as bad as he felt. Reason why he ignored her all day long. But now, knowing that she cried because of him didn't make him feel better, only worse. He wanted to hug her now and make things alright.

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