Chapter 13

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Vanessa woke up later with Jered sleeping on his stomach, one arms under his head, the other on her. She pushed it gently, making sure not to wake him up. She could feel the soreness in part of her body she had forgotten existed. She took her phone to check the time: 5 pm. She had to leave now if she didn't want to miss her flight. She started to gather her clothes and get dressed. A taxi. She needed one so she took back her phone to order a cab when Jered turned on his back. He passed his hands on his face to feel more awake, while sitting.

"What are you doing?" he asked curious.

"I have to leave as soon as possible if I don't want to miss my flight. I was about to call a cab. Can you do that for me while I finish getting ready?"

"Sure, give me your phone."

"Thanks" she said. He took the phone from her and turned it off.

"Hey Jered!"

"You're not going anywhere. Come back to bed sweetheart."

"Bae please; you know I can't. Be nice please."

He got up, walked around the bed to stand in front of her, all naked. Then he threw her on the bed, pinning her arms on each side of her body, using his weight as leverage to maintain her. "I said and I'll repeat, you're not going anywhere. We'll book you another flight for Tuesday. Till then, you're mine to dispose as I please."

"I cannot do that. I have to work on Tuesday."

"I don't care, you'll call sick. You stay here, that's final. And if I have to tie you to this bed to make sure you stay, I'll do it."

"Well that sound interested." She said laughing before he kissed her and they went for another round.

Vanessa got back to town on Tuesday, tired, sored and but mostly genuinely happy. She was having a girls night at Stacy's.

"Damn girl, look at you. It's pretty obvious that the man is a good laid. I had to refrain myself from laughing when you got here walking side to side. I hope you didn't walk like that in front of his family."

'I deserve a freaking Oscar for that. He is a beast. I didn't expect that."

"The best you've ever had?"

"Yeah, no match. I had to beg him to let me have some rest yesterday night. His stamina is insane."

Stacy laugh so hard that she fell on the floor, grabbing her stomach, tears running down her face.

"Oh my God, Nessa. I can't believe it. Thinking that you thought he was celibate because he had a micro penis. Guess he proved you wrong. This is hilarious. You begging to avoid sex." And she went for another round of cry laughing.

Things went on their own. Jered came back a month later and it was a pure bliss. Everything seemed perfect. She introduced him to her mom via a video call and accepted to show up at his friends' event and parties. He was still the same caring, loving, funny man.

He had spent the whole week at her apartment, and now they were supposed to spend the week-end at his house. They both had clothes and stuff at each other's houses. Making the sleep over easy. She was getting ready when she heard knocks at her door. Jered went to opened it. She heard 2 muffled voices then nothing.

"Bae I'm ready, we can leave..." she stopped dead on her track.

Sitting on her couch, an opened bottle of water in his hand, Trevor. He had turned his head, a grin on his face when he had heard her voice. How come...? Jered! He was standing against the kitchen island, his phone in one hand, the other in his pocket. His facial expression was neutral. She didn't know what to do. He tilted his head on the side and said: "Your friend came to see you."

"Yeah" she turned once more to Trevor who was now standing beside her.

He hugged her saying in her hair "it's good to see you baby".

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