Chapter 18

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Vanessa woke up, feeling a little hazy. She looked at the syringe his her arm. She really was in a hospital. That meant that the nightmare with Trevor was real. She took a deep breath, but felt the pain running through her veins from her head to her toes. She looked around, only noticing the man sleeping on a chair next to the bed, bent, his head on his arms on it. He face was facing the opposite side but she knew it was Jered. She instinctively caress his short hair, waking him up.

"Vanessa!" he mumbled, eyes wide opened as if he didn't believe it was her.

"Hi!" she replied with a half-smile.

He got up instantly, staring at her.

"Could you please call a nurse? I'm kinda in pain there."

"Oh, yeah sorry" he replied running out.

He stood silently in a corner of the room while the doctor was doing the check-up. It was easy to see how tense he was. Was it because he wasn't comfortable being there or because he was worried? She looked at him from time to time to make sure he was still present. She was happy to see him.

When they were finally alone, she said "Don't stay so far away. Come next to me. I won't bite you, I promise."

He did as instructed. Happy that she did want him by her side. He took her hand, pressed his lips to the palm, taking a deep breath to calm the tears that threaten to spill.

"They won't let me go back home till this afternoon"

"I heard that. As long as you're safe, I don't care how long they keep you"

"I don't like it here."

He looked at her. She had a small smile on her lips.

"I was so worried sweetheart. Don't do this to me. Ever again."

"I'll try my best" she replied lightly. She felt her heat doing happy jumps within her. He had called her sweetheart.

She looked so fragile in her hospital attire. He drew her to his chest in a tight embrace making her wince in pain.

"I'm sorry" he said.

"You should be" she replied instinctively regretting saying it when she saw the pain in his eyes. She wanted to apologize but she didn't. She was happy to have him now, but they still had a pending discussion. He was the one who broke up with her. Being here didn't mean that everything was resolved. She turned her head, avoiding his stare and asked: "Do you know if my mom and my sister are informed of my whereabouts?"

"No, they don't. With Stacy, we thought it's was better not to scare them. But I can give you my phone if you want to talk to them" he proposed.

"No, it's okay."

"Do you need anything?"

"No, I'm good."

"Nessa! I'm sorry for what happened to you. I wish I was there to protect you."

"Why would you have been there? It's not like we're still an item."

"Don't be like that"

"Like what? The girl who got beat up because she thought stupidly that she was in a strong relationship with a man who truly care about her. Only to be treated like crap after."

"I'm sorry. I know I screwed up. But you have no idea how sorry I am."

"Yeah, right! You're only sorry because I'm in this bed."

"That's not true, and you know it."

"I know nothing."

"I went yesterday to the house of Stacy to talk to you, to apologize, hoping you would forgive me. I waited for a long time. Only, you never came back. I was on my way to your place when Stacy found out you were here."

"Oh!" she sounded surprise.

"I've realized I did you wrong, but... Can we talk about it later? You need to have some rest. Maybe When they'll release you, I'll take you back home, then we can talk."

"I don't feel like going to my place."

"Of course not. I was talking about my house"


"No? Why not? I can clear my schedule and take care of you."

"I'm not going to your place Jered."

"This not an option Nessa. I'm not giving you the choice. I'm keeping you under my watch. So just stop fighting me on this."

"What made you think you have the privilege of forcing your presence on me when I'm not about to allow it?"

He got up, caging her with his hands on each side of her head.


He didn't let her finish and kissed her. She put her hands on his chest to push him back. However, she gripped his shirt instead and drew him closer. He took the opportunity to break the kiss, staring in her eyes with his piercing green eyes and said: "THIS gave me the privilege."

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