Chapter 7

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Vanessa spent the day at work then join Stacy at her place. They talked things out and now she was telling her everything that happen with Jered. When she was done, Stacy was laughing.

"What's so funny?" she asked.

"I didn't thought he was still celibate. Waouh! He is really dedicated. That's a good thing I guess."

"I don't think it's funny. It's like being tease with your favorite dessert when you're on a diet."

"Come on. It won't be that bad. Plus, you said that you guys could have fun, just no penetration."

"Argh! I don't know why I agree to this. It is stupid."

"You like him and that's good. You'll get to know each other better."

"We did that for almost a year already"

"It's different"

"How I am supposed to know he is good in bed, if I don't try him out!? What if he has a small dick? Or one too huge? This whole celibate thing is stupid."

"Look just try and see where it goes between you. You never know. There's a lot of people for who it works. You can be intimate in a more profound way."

"I'd like to see you try it with Dave."

"Nope! Not happening!"

The following weeks were frustrating. Jered had to travel a lot for work and when he was in town, he would make time for her. However, they never passed the first based. She felt like she was back in high school. Not to say that they weren't good together. He was as charming and funny as usual. He introduced her to his family and close friends. He would kiss her, hold her, and cherish her. He was really into PDA, not that she minded. But she needed more... more physical contact.

Currently Jered was in Paris for a movie. He invited her over but she declined. Not seeing the point of going there just to cuddle. She knew he was getting frustrated with her, but he was said nothing. They were supposed to have a call in a minute, so she sat waiting.

Ring, ring

"Hey sweetheart, it's good to see you"

"It's good to see you too bae. How was your day? You look tired"

"The usual, we've been filming since 5 this morning"

"Still on set?"

"Yeah, we're not done yet. But enough of me. How was your day?"

"Boring, meeting on meetings all day long."

"Okay. Where are you now? It doesn't look like your home?" he asked looking behind her.

She was indeed not at her place. This was Trevor's place, one of her friend. They met few weeks ago at the gym. He was new in town and they hit off instantly. They've been spending a lot of time together since. Trevor was a muscular black man, with dark brown eyes, short hair and a lovely smile. She thought he was yummy. She was attracted to him, but didn't act on it. He knew she was in a relationship and said he respected it. However, they both liked to flirt with each other. "As long as we don't go further than that, it is okay" she thought to herself. Right now he was at the gym. He let her in before going. They were supposed to have a movie night. They agreed that she would come straight from work to his place and have her call with Jered while he was at the gym. Then, they would enjoy the movie when he got back.

But she couldn't say that to Jered. She knew he would get mad at her, so she lied.

"I'm at a friend's place, Trina."

"Okay. Where is she? I'll say hi to her"

"She went to the grocery store."

"Okay, next time. You know, except for Stacy and your sister, you never introduced me to any of your friends. I'll start to believe that you're ashamed of me."

"What! No. Of course not. We're supposed to be low key and keep things private."

"Private doesn't mean inexistent. You know everyone in my family and my friends. Your mom was in town a month ago and you didn't think that I would've liked to be introduced?! I am serious about my feelings for you, but sometimes I feel like you're just playing with me."

That again! Yeah, her mom came to visit, she didn't tell him. When he wanted to see her that week, she made excuses not to. He realized that only a day after the departure of her mom when Tamara told him. She knew she was wrong, but when he complained about it, she turned the tables and pretended that she felt like he was trying to control her and that she didn't like it.

"Can we not go there please? You have no reason to be worried. I'm with you, just you."

He ran his hand in his hair and sighed.

"Fine. On another note, I'll be free on independence week-end next week. I thought we could go to my parents' house spend the week end there."

"Yes, it works for me."

"Great. So do want to sleep at my parents or my sister's house?"

"Either one or another. It's up to you."

"Okay, so maybe you'll stay with my sister and I'll stay with parents."

"Wait! What? We won't be staying together?"

"Not at night, but during the day we will be together."

"Geez, Jered! It's not like I will fucking rape you if we sleep in the same bed! I can control myself you know!"

"Don't take it like that."

"I don't see the point of me going in these conditions."

"Come on! Really?! Try to understand my position too."

"Why can't you understand mine?"



"Thank you. I have to go back."

"Okay. Bye."

"Love you."

"I know"

"..., I waiting sweetheart."

"Love you too."

Trevor arrived few minutes later. They watched a comedy and kept laughing throughout the movie.

"When is your boyfriend coming back to town?"

"Next week."

"I'm not sure how I fell about traveling a lot and letting my girlfriend behind like he does. I can't be in a long distance relationship, especially with a gorgeous girl like you."

She smiled, raising an eyebrow "what a sweet tongue you have young man"

"You have no idea baby. You could have a taste of it if you want." He replied seductively while getting close to her. He ran his fingers through her hair, slowly approaching her lips while his other hand went to her low back.

Vanessa knew it was wrong, but she dreamt about those juicy lips and right now she didn't care about the consequences. The kiss was sweet and tender, but it felt good. She opened her lips to give him access and deepen the kiss. Taking this as an invitation, Trevor tilted her jaw and kissed his way from it to her neck. When his hand snapped the buttons of her pants and pulled down the zip, she got back to her senses and stopped him.

"Stop, Trevor"

He moved back, his breath erratic.

"I'm sorry. I can't do this. I'm sorry."

He took a deep breath to calm down before replying. "It okay. I hope he knows how lucky he is to have you baby".

She gave him a sad smile. "I should head home. Thank you for... uh! Goodnight Trevor" she said grabbing her phone and bag and going to the door.

"Vanessa" he interrupted her. When she turned to face him he said "Goodnight baby".

Thank you for reading.

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