Chapter 16

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Vanessa looked around her to find something to protect herself. She knew she was no match to his muscular build. She had to lure him and find a way of getting the hell out. She put her bag on the floor, ran to him and hugged him.

"What are you doing?" he asked surprised.

"I'm so sorry Trevor. I'm so sorry. You're the one I should have been with. Not that idiot. I'm so glad you're here. Do you think you can forgive for the event of the last week? I don't know. I was afraid he would hurt you that's why I did that. I wanted to go to you but I was afraid of being rejected. I feel so stupid now. Please give me a chance to make up for my mistake" She said crying.

For anyone exterior, it would have looked like she really wanted him. But the tears were out of fear. He grabbed a handful of her hair, yanked it down to force her to look at him making her wince in the process. He saw the tears running down. Too easy. She seemed sincere though. He bowed to cradle her ass, lifting her up. She automatically wrapped her legs around him, her arms around his neck.

"I am not sure you deserve my forgiveness. You will have to earn it baby"

"I will do anything Trevor"

He crashed his lips on hers. She wanted to push him but she fought that instinct. It was not the right time. She responded granting him entrance when he used his tongue. Her eyes were opened. He walked backward till he felt a wall behind him, turned around pushing her against the same wall. He left her lips to kiss her in her neck and behind her ear. It was disgusted. She turned her head on the side, giving him more access while looking for something, anything. She grabbed a vase and threw it on his head with all her strength. He staggered loosening his grip. She used that opportunity to run as fast as she could calling the police while running to door.

But he was faster. She felt a strong arm grabbing her hair and dragging her to the living room. He threw her against something hard, the wall? A table? She did not know but It hurt so bad. It was like millions of needles were dancing under her skin. She tried to get up. However, He pushed her violently on the ground and slapped her. She tried to push him without success. She used her knee but he got it before it hit its victim: his genitals.

He growled than hissed while choking her: "That was stupid baby". She was fighting with all she had, kicking, slapping, biting. Nothing seemed to work. In a desperate attempt she had been able to take a book then slap him with it. It seemed to do the trick since his grip loosen some power. She then used her nails straight in his eyes. That was it. He released her allowing her to crawl away from him, while trying to breath. She did not go far though, he grabbed her legs and drew her back to him using his weight to block her.

He knew she was fierce but not that much. However, the more she fought, the more excited he was. It would be so much fun to reduce her to pile of pain.

Vanessa tried to scream but she failed. Her hands were around his wrists, trying to make his release her neck to breath. It was not working. He was growing tired of this fight. He wanted her, he would have her. He grabbed her head then knocked her down smacking it to the ground. She fell unresponsive.

He looked at the blood that was coming out of her head. She did not look dead. too bad he thought.

She looked ravishing like that, vulnerable, under his might. He shredded her skirt, revealing her underwear which followed few seconds later. She would learn her lesson. He would fuck her till she could not walk. As for Jered, he would take care of his case later.

He unbuckled his belt, freed his penis and was about to thrust into her when the front door exploded and police officers got in with their guns pointed at him.

"Go away from her, hands on your head" one of them yelled.

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