Chapter 4

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"That's it?" she thought.

As if he could read her mind, his solid arms crushed her to his chest. The mouth opening over hers was sweet in its demand but somehow powerful. She gasped which allowed him to slip his tongue between her lips in a commanding yet intoxicated kiss. The molten heat from him flowed down her insides. She was growing more and more wet by every second. All she could register was his violent fervor that was blowing her off her feet, literally. When he finally broke the kiss, they were both out of breath. A cute, yet cocky smile appeared on his lips, like a proud puppy.

There was no way she could deny the sparks between them now. He released the pressure on her waist so that she could get up if she wanted to. However, she didn't move one bit. All she wanted was to kiss him again.

"You shouldn't have done that", she said with a raspy voice that she didn't even recognized as her own.

He sat there, with the same satisfied smirk on his face. With his finger, he slowly grazed from her neck to her collarbone, never leaving her eyes with his piercing ones. "I do not like to play games sweetheart. I told you I want you to be mine, and I will do whatever it takes to have you. Now what is it that I shouldn't have done? Holding you tight or kissing you? Because from where I stand, you kissed me back AND I am not holding you anymore but you are still seated on my laps. Looks like you want it as bad as I do."

It felt like a slap on her face. She pushed him and got back on her feet. "Get out Jered. I am done with you." He did not move at all. "I said get out. I don't want you, not now, not ever. If you have any consideration for yourself leave." she snapped while pointing to the door with her finger. After a moment, he finally got up and stood right in front of her. Towering her. She had to completely raise her head to look at him.

He loved the determination in her eyes. She looked so sexy with that unravel anger. Without giving her time to react, he lifted her up and kissed her passionately. She instinctively tied her legs around his hips and her arms around his neck, while responding feverishly to the kiss. That girl would be the death of him.

It was only when she felt the wall against her back that she realized that he had carried all the way there. They kept kissing, fighting for dominance, grinding against each other like 2 horny teenagers. It was Jered who break the kiss. He was staring at her lips while trying to regain a calm breathing speed. He finally raised his eyes to meet hers, stormy and clouded with lust and desire. Without breaking the kiss, he licked her lips one more time and smile.

"Whether you like it, you already mine Nessa. Better get used to it, because I have no intention of letting you go. Not now, not ever." He said, taunting her with her own words. He put her down and went to the door. "I will pick you up at 7 for dinner. Be ready" and just like that he left.

She was speechless. This was definitely not how she had pictured things. She let him kiss her, take control over her, and she enjoyed every second of it. She couldn't let him have that much power on her. It made no sense at all. Here she was, standing like an idiot, staring at the door, expecting him to come back. "Get a hold of yourself, you idiot" she thought out loud. She needed a cold shower.

It was now 6.15 pm. She had been seated in a towel on her bed for 45 minutes, in deep thoughts. "Why should I get ready for him? He did not ask, he commanded. I am not at his beck and call. No. I am a grown ass woman. I do whatever I want. I can do whatever I like. I can be good if I want, I can be bad if I want. And, I am not going anywhere with him tonight" she decided.

She got up, went in her closet. A little voice within her whispered "You could ride him tonight and get rid of that horny state he left you in. It does not mean you have to date him. Go take what you want and move on."

She smiled. This was an interesting option. She opted for a light wash denim mini skirt with a burgundy frill detail wrap top and high heel sandals. She let her box braids fall on her shoulders with a nude make up. When she was done it was 7.01 pm, and she heard the doorbell ring.

He was there in a burgundy t-shirt, dark jean, black bomber and black sneakers. He was FINE.

"We are matching"he smiled. "You look ravishing."

"Thank you."

He took her hand and lead her to his car. The drive to the restaurant was silent, but not awkward. He did not let go of her hand while driving. When they arrived, he remained by her side with his hand on her low back till they sit.

Dinner was good. They talked about anything and everything. She could see the man she got to know for almost a year and instead of being reassuring, it creeped her out. He was so charming. Making sure she was comfortable, making her laugh, listen to what she had to say, challenging her, flirting with her. He made her feel like she was the only girl in the world. There was no denying of the strong pull she felt.

But No. It could not happen. She refused to fall for him. She had to focus on her goal tonight: SEX, then GOODBYE. 

Hope you enjoy.

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