Chapter 6

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He took her back to her place, insisting on walking her to the door. "What are your plans for tomorrow?" he asked. "We could go hiking?"

She didn't want to do anything with him after tonight. So she gave him a shy smile: "I won't go out tomorrow. I'll probably spend the day prepping meal and having some rest. I might have to go the grocery store, but that's it."

"Okay, do you want me to go with you?"

"No, thank you."

They'd just stood in front of her door. She took the keys and asked: "do you want to come in?"

"Nah, I'm good."

She wasn't expecting that answer since they flirted all night long.

"You sure? We can have coffee or tea. I promise I'll be a good girl, no biting, no sassy comment, just two adults having a conversation." She insisted.

"I wouldn't mind you biting me" he answered cheekily, "however, I will decline for tonight. I've had a lovely time with you. Thank you for the company." He gave a light kiss before opening the door for her.

"Thank you. Good night Jered."

"Good night sweetheart, talk to you tomorrow."

Vanessa got into her apartment and locked the door behind her. She couldn't believe he left, for real. What was his problem! Argh! Annoying! It would be better if she ignored him from now on.

The next morning she took some time to call Stacy and have a conversation. She wasn't mad anymore. After that, she went to the grocery store and came home to start cooking. She was marinating the chicken when the doorbell ring."Who's there?" she asked.


Argh, no today again! She opened the door to let him in. He caught her wrist, forcing her to face him then kissed her.

"Morning sweetheart."

"Why are you here Jered?" she replied annoyed.

"The correct answer is: Morning to you too bae"

"Keep dreaming. What do you want?"

He sighed. "Someone didn't have a good night apparently. I came to help you with your cooking."

"Yeah, right. I don't have time for your games Jered"

"I'm serious. I can cook. I'm a pretty decent cook actually."

"There's no way I'm getting rid of you now, right?"


"Great! There is some chicken in the fridge, show me what you can do". She looked at him make himself at home. He washed his hands, grabbed the said chicken breasts. He looked around for different spices, then seasoned it. He heated a teaspoon of oil in a medium skillet, placed chicken in. "Let's cook it until the edges are opaque, then cover the pan, lower the heat and cook for about 10 minutes."

Uh! She was impressed. He actually knew what he was doing. She then let him help her with the vegetables and the rest of the cooking. He remained focused on the tasks handed to him. Never allowing himself to be distracted. When they were done, he asked "What time do you normally leave to work?"

"Around 7.30 in the morning. Why?"

"I'll come pick you up tomorrow morning."

"No need for you to do that."

"Why not?"

"I'm a capable adult human being, with a driver license. I think I can drive myself to work. Thank you."

"Why do you have to make everything difficult?!" he asked, his eyes searching hers. "What's the matter with me taking my girlfriend to work?"

"Your girl... You must be tripping Jered. I am not your girlfriend."

"We've already been through that Nessa, the whole I don't date outside of my race thing. I thought you were willing to try."

"I've never said that. And even if I was willing to try, it wouldn't be with you."


"Being white isn't the only issue. You're also a celebrity, with millions of fan all over the world. I will not subject myself to their hatred, constant judgment and criticism. I refuse to let my life being despised by some pricks only because I date a celeb. This is not for me."

"I see." He nodded. He sat on one of the chair and dragged her to him, maintaining her between his spread legs. "You have nothing to be afraid of sweetheart."

"I'm not afraid"

"It looks like it. We can keep our relationship private. We will be careful in public and if anything happen I'll ask my team to take care of it. Plus, one of your best friend is a celebrity. She must have picked up some tips to protect yourself. I'll be there. I care too much to lose you Vanessa. Just give us a chance."

"This is not a good idea"

"It is." He affirmed before kissing her sensually. She let herself go and wrap her hands around his neck. His hands went for her ass that he squeezed possessively. She pressed her breast into his chest and let her hand find its way to his manhood. When he sensed what she was about to do, he stopped kissing her and caught her. "I won't sleep with you Nessa".

"What?" she asked surprised.

"I'm celibate"

"What do you mean by celibate?" she asked removing herself from his embrace.

"I'm not having sex with anyone. But that doesn't mean we can't have fun. There is a lot of thing we can do without involving the intercourse you know."

"Too bad, I'm not about that life. Damn! What a tease you are. I can believe I was actually falling for you" she replied. It was only when she finished that she realized what she had just said.

"You are falling for me?" he asked all excited with a huge smile. She was about to deny when he caught one more time and kissed her again. The kiss this time was demanding, breath taking. When they broke the kiss, he looked at her with puppy eyes and said "Don't let this chemistry go to waste Nessa. I promise I'll do my very best to make things work between us. Just say yes".

"I need to think about it"

"Don't. You'll overthink and find other excuses to stay away from me. Just say yes"

She was caught up by his beautiful eyes. Why not, after all. She had nothing to lose. "Okay".

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