Chapter 9

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Disclaimer: This part contains some smut...


"It didn't crossed your mind?" he asked his eyes dull and empty.

She couldn't answer to that question. Not without hurting him and their relation. She decided to take another approach.

"Do you think I would be here today if I didn't want you Jered? You, not Trevor or anyone else. Just you. You have to trust me. I won't have sex with Trevor. If I ever go to the point of cheating on you, it would mean that I'm done with us and I'd rather put an end on good terms than betray you."

He said nothing. His face was blank. Nothing. His beautiful eyes were cold and distant. She didn't know what to do. Before she had time to register what was happening, he made her fall on the bed and straddled her. He used his left hand to pin hers over her head while the right one was on her stomach.

"Jered... what are you doing?"

He remained silent. His piercing eyes were roaming over her body. Then he bow down and say in her ear before biting her neck: "Making sure you remember that you're mine, and I do not share Vanessa". She squeezed her eyes shut on instinct. She tried to use her body to push him but he didn't budge. He was on a mission, and she was the target.

Laying his tongue flat against her neck, he kissed his way to her collarbone, slithering backwards and forwards. Her eyes fluttered as she hummed with delight. She only noticed that he had gathered her dress up to her chest when she felt his firm hand on her boobs, caressing, pinching. He made his way to her breasts with his mouth and started to suck like a hungry man. He pulled the flesh between his teeth, gently nipping.

"Fuck" she thought. She tried to tell him to stop but the only noise that came out of her mouth was a moan. His grip on her waist was tight. Suddenly, she felt his length awakened against her leg, begging for release. She wanted to touch him, caress him. But he was still blocking her. With a brisk gesture he got rid of her underwear.

"Jered!" she begged. But he wasn't listening. At least that what she thought. His hand drifted lower and lower, while he kept with his delicious torture on her breasts with his mouth. He groaned at the vibrations resonating against her chest when he reached her center. The pad of his thumb leisurely stroked her, igniting sparkles throughout her body, having her insides burning up with need and lust.

"Jered" she rasped out. But he stayed mute. He left her boobs, pathing a trail of kisses from her stomach to her lady's candy. She threw her head back, crying out with bliss as he pulled the skin and feverishly sucked. With every kiss, every suck, every breath, she felt like her entire body was submitting to its master. He was inking his name onto her soul. He finally released her hands only to use his to spread her legs wider for him. He was hungry, there was no denying. Her fingers dug into his hair while her moans bounced off the walls. Suddenly, he increased his rhythm till he felt her orgasm. Powerful and liberating. Her breath shuddered out harshly, her body fell limp. Her eyes squeezed shut for a while, trying to collect herself. When she opened them, he was seating between her legs, stroking lazily his cock.

"Oh my God" she thought. He was huge! Long with an impressive girth. Nothing to envy to porn actor. With his hands on his dick, his eyes clouded, almost black, with desire. He was beautiful. She got up and went to touch it but he pushed her hand away, got up and locked himself in the bathroom.

She didn't know what to think. He had just given her one of the best orgasm of her life, but he refused to let her touch him. Not once he had kissed her.

She got off the bed and put on a robe while waiting for him.

When he finally got out, he was fully clothed and headed to the door. She ran after him and caught his wrist.

"What are you doing Jered? Where are you going Jered?"

"Home", he replied while opening the door and leaving her alone with even a look. More confused than ever.

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