Chapter 20

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She opened it slowly. It was earrings, diamond earrings. They were beautiful. But somehow, she was disappointed. A part of her had hoped that he was proposing. She hesitated before decided to wear them.

"They're beautiful, thank you."

"You don't look happy. If you don't like them, we ca have them changed."

"No, they're perfect."

He got up to sit by her side on the bed. "I wish that for your birthday that you find the strength within to forgive me Nessa"


"I want us to work out. I know I screwed up. I was stupid. The way I talked to you, the things I said, the way I treated you, you have no idea how sorry I am for that. You've been nothing but good for me. I was so jealous, that I let it obscure my mind. When that guy came to your apartment, I thought you were playing games. I felt stupid. I know it doesn't justify what I did to you. Leaving you on the road like that, breaking up with you. And I am truly, deeply sorry. Realizing that I've hurt you, caused you pain, made me feel like a sore loser. And I hate myself for that. Please forgive me."

"Jered, I... Stop saying sorry"


"It's getting on my nerves."

"I need your forgiveness"

"Fine, I forgive you. Better?"

"Only if it means that we're back together."

"We're not." She answered getting up from the bed. "Jered, do you realized how humiliated I felt when you threw me out of your car that day? No matter how mad you were, down the road, like a prostitute. It was disrespectful. You did not only break up with me, you made it clear that you don't trust me. I value my honor and the respect."

He walked around the bed to come next to her but she blocked him with her hand on his stomach, taking a step back. "Nessa" he whispered.

"Don't! Jered don't! You want me to forgive you. I forgive you. However, I'm not sure I want to be with you again. Not with the way you made me feel."

"Please Nessa, I love you."

"Love isn't always enough! No matter how much I Lo.." she was interrupted by him getting on his knees before her. He circled her with his arms around her waist, his head on her stomach.

"Jered, get up" she said annoyed

He tightened the embrace and raised his head to look at her. He was crying. He couldn't be acting. Suddenly she felt bad. She swept the tears with her fingers. "Get up, please" she asked one more time. "Jered, please, this is embarrassing" she murmured.

"I don't care. I'll do anything, just name it. Please, give me another chance. I love you so much Nessa. Don't leave me please. This is not about me only. It's about us. Just when I thought I had it all. I don't know what to do. This is probably the worst period I've had to go through, not having you with me. What is in my mind is you. I can't stop wondering what I would do without you. I wish that I'd never did what I did. But I hope it's not too late for us. I know it will not be easy. But I'm ready to do whatever you want Nessa."

Vanessa looked at the man she loved. Few weeks ago, she would have go back to him without a second guess. But she wanted to remain prudent.

She had wanted apologies, she had them. She'd wanted him to profess his love, he just did. Why was she so hesitant to give them a second chance?

She bow down and used his arms to force him to get up, never breaking eyes contact. When he was up, broken and sad, she put her arms around his waist and whispered "Okay. Let's try again."

He cupped her face with his hands "Thank Nessa. I'll do my best to make happy. Thank you" before finally kissing her.

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