Chapter 21

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Six months had passed since she got back with him. He was doing his best at cherishing her. Right now, they were touring around Europe with her family. She wanted him to invite his own family but he said he wanted to spend some time with hers only and get to know them better.

They were now on a 290 ft. motor yacht in Greece. It featured over six decks an elegant curved exterior made of structural glass. It was vast and decadent with a duplex apartment, 8 cabins, an elevator, entertainment areas, a cinema, a lazarette for water sports, a Jacuzzi, a fully equipped gym, a spa and beauty salon.

Vanessa looked at her family having fun with Jered. They had a little incomprehension the night before. They were in a restaurant for some alone time when he got mad at her for flirting with the waiter. The poor guy was new thus nervous. She was just trying to be nice but Mr Jealous didn't see it that way. They ended the night pissed off at each other. They barely talked since then. She appreciated the bond between him and her family. But he could be a lot to handle.

She got up and went to take a nap in their room. When she woke up they were on the coast. They were supposed to have dinner in a nice little restaurant. They were mid the main course when Jered took her hand and kissed the back.

"Are you okay sweetheart?"

"Yes" she answered taking her hand back.

"I'm sorry"


"For behaving like an asshole yesterday."

" Ugh!"

"I get jealous, well overzealous. Then I get angry, do shit on purpose. But that's only because I'm scared to lose you. I'm not perfect. You have no idea how grateful I am to have you and for you coping with me and my stupidity. I love you so much Nessa."

She smiled at him. She took his hand and kissed it. "I love you too even when you're stupid"

"Get a room you too." It was Tamy was said that, making everyone laugh.

They were now all seated around a camp fire looking at a show of local doing traditional dances. They were having so much fun. Vanessa had her head on Jered's shoulder while his arm encircled her waist. Suddenly he pushed her gently then got up. He offered his hand to help her up too.

"Vanessa" he started, "I got issues. You're always there helping me through it all. You don't judge me. My happiness is not complete if you're not by side. You have the kind of love that makes me feel like a better man. Sweetheart I love you. You are my life. I'm so proud to call you my girl. The closer I get to you the more you make me feel. I am in love with you, with all my heart. Words can express all the love I have for you. And if there's one thing I want more than anything, it is to be able to have you forever. So today, with the blessing of your mom, I have a question for you" he said with a knee on the ground.

Vanessa was speechless, with teary eyes. She loved that man. And listening to him, in presence of her family she felt blessed and grateful. She could easily see herself with him. None of them was perfect. But who was! When he got on one knee she couldn't help but to gasp.

"Will you marry me?" he asked hopeful, with a gorgeous ring in his hand.

" Yes"

He put the ring on her finger then kissed her. Her family was cheering with happy noises.

Yes! She would marry that man.

7 years later

Vanessa was coming back home. She had a stressful day at work. All she wanted was to shower and have a good night of sleep. She went straight to the kitchen, avoiding the main entrance to avoid Jered. She didn't feel like having a conversation. Unfortunately for her, when she got in, she walked into him.

"Hey sweet. How are you?" he asked coming her way, then kissed her.

He had their baby girl in his arms. She was sleeping peacefully.

"Tired." She answered. She looked around. They were a pot on the stove. She realized that Jered was cooking. "Let me help you" she offered, raising her hands to take the baby.

"No it's okay." I got it he said with a smile.

"Mommy!" she heard behind her. She turned on time to catch the little boy who was happily jumping on her. She smiled at him.

"Hey baby."

"I'm not a baby", he complained. "Sarah is a baby, not me."

"You'll always be my baby" she laughed tickling him, making him laugh too.

"Dadda, help" he asked out of breath for laughing too much, trying to run to his father. But Vanessa kept tickling him.

"Sorry buddy, your mom is too strong."

"Mommyyyyyy! Stop!"

"Only if you say you're my baby."

"I'm your baby" he finally said still laughing when she released him.

"Mommy come play with me please? Dad is busy with Sarah and the diner."

Jered saw the look on her face. She was tired. He decided to intervene "Noah, your mom is tired. Let her shower, then maybe she will be able to read you a story after diner."

"But I want her now!"


The little boy pouted.

"I'll be back in a few, okay?" offered Vanessa.

She loved her family. Noah, 5 years old. Sarah, 7 months. More than anything, she was grateful for Jered. He was a great father. He would always make sure she was good. She could see that he was tired too. He had spent the previous night at the Oscar, then the after party. He was supposed to spend the day in bed. But when the nanny called sick, he wouldn't let Vanessa stay at home. He took care of the kids. He loved doing it. And even now, he wanted her to have some time on her own. He could see that she needed it.

God she loved him. Yes, she was grateful for her family.

The End.

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