Chapter 15

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It had been a week since the argument with Jered. Vanessa was staying at Stacy's house. She was trying to be strong, but at night she cried herself to sleep. Jered never tried to contact her. Apparently he was still talking to her mom and sister. Never mentioning the break up to them. She thought he would come back to her, apologize. However, after 3 days, she realized that it wouldn't happen. And it hurt her more than she could say. Knowing that she'd been nothing but faithful and loving to him.

She had to take her life back. She went to the bedroom and started packing.

"Hey Nessa, what are doing?" it was Stacy.

"Thank you for keeping me with you but I think it is time for me to go back to my place."

"No! Why? I want to stay longer."

"I'm really grateful to have such an amazing friend. However, you have a man in your life. And I feel like I'm intruding your privacy."

"You're not. Stay with me. At least till the end of next week. Dave will be back from his trip by then. Don't leave me alone" she asked with puppy eyes.

"Okay. Till next week. But I have to go take few things at my place."

"Do you want me to go with you?"

"No, I'm fine. Don't worry." She replied with an amicable tap on Stacy's shoulder.

Stacy looked at her friend leaving the house. She felt bad for her. She didn't understand Jered's reaction. It didn't make any sense. She went to his place earlier in the morning. He was moody. He listened to her complain about how mean and immature his actions were. He let her talk never interrupting her. When she was done, he gave her a sad smile. It was obvious that he missed Vanessa but he was too proud to recognize that HE was wrong.

Jered had been seated alone for the last 3 hours. After the departure of Stacy, he called his sister to explain the situation. She was less than angry at him, qualifying him of stupid, childish, too proud, and arrogant. She couldn't believe what he had done to Vanessa. For her, he should go begging for her to take him back. He realized now that was the only thing to do. However, his ego was preventing him to do so.

He couldn't deny that he missed her. That the moment she opened the door of the car, he regretted his words. The damage was already done. Hence his position of the last hours, debating with himself. He loved Vanessa. He missed her. He couldn't count the number of times he took his phone in order to call her and apologize. He should have thrown that Trevor out and spoke up instead of letting his possessiveness and anger controlled him. He hoped it wasn't too late to win her back.

"Jered! Come on in" said Stacy while opening the door for him.

"Thank you" he replied getting in. "May I talk to Nessa?" he asked hesitating.

"She went to her apartment. Why don't you have a seat and wait for her with me?"


"Come on, she shouldn't be long."


Soon as Vanessa entered her apartment, she felt uneased. She looked around the living room, the kitchen and everything seemed normal. She went straight to her closet, grabbing some clothes for work. She was making her way to the living room when she stopped dead on her track. Saying that she was scared was an understatement. He was standing, a devious smile on his lips, craziness in his eyes. Trevor!

"Look who we got here! Vanessa! I was growing impatient baby. What took you so long at your friend house?"

He had been following her. He knew where she worked, so it was easy. He couldn't get a hold of her at the house of Stacy so he waited and waited. Now, the prize was all his. He looked at her intensively, delighted to see fear in her eyes. Did she really thought she could insult him, make fun of him and go unpunished? Oh man! She was wrong! He would taught her what a real man could do. Taught RESPECT and have her crawling, begging for his mercy.

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