Chapter 3

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The next morning, Vanessa was awaken by knocks on the door. She rolled out of bed, in her wife-beater and her shorts.

"Who's there?" she asked.

"Hi sweetheart, it's Jered"

"Go away"

"Please, open the door. I came with pastries and coffee".

She rolled her eyes, then let him in. He went directly to the kitchen island where he laid the food after giving her the coffee. "Stacy told me you're a flat white coffee lover". She scoffed at him before taking the coffee. She went to her room, took a quick shower, brushed her tooth and wore a dress before coming back. He was comfortably sited in the kitchen, drinking from his coffee.

"Okay, what do you want Jered?"

"I came to apologize. I realized that my actions have been misunderstood. It was never my intentions to make fun of you. I was serious about our relationship and ..."

"We have no relationship" she interrupted him. "I don't know you. So it is better we cut the crap now."

"Please hear me out. Don't say that. Of course you know me. Except for my name, I was always truthful with you. I showed you the real me, not the version I give to the press, the fans, the world, but the real me. I never lied to you about how I felt. We've been able to create a real bond and I don't want to lose that. That is the reason I am here today. Don't be mad at Stacy, it was my idea from the beginning to hide my name, not to hurt you, but to protect myself. I know you can understand that. I am truly, deeply, sorry."

To be honest, Vanessa was able to understand his reason. And she wasn't as mad at him as she used to be. However, the problem was still the same: she couldn't date a white guy or celebrity. She liked her men black and she wasn't ashamed to admit it. Stacy had always tried to hook her up with white men, pretending that she had to try something out before declaring that she didn't like it. She should have known better than to fall for her tricks. She looked at Jered. He was watching her with hope in his eyes. She could not help but feel bad for him.

"Okay, I accept your apologies." She said to him.

He seemed more relaxed and a small smile was on his lips. "Oh great. So what do we do now? Did you have plans today? We can do whatever you want." He said happily.

"I am not going anywhere Jered."

"Okay, we can just chill here if you want. I don't mind."

"You don't get it. Look I appreciate that you came to clear your name, if I can say it like that, but I have no intentions of going further in whatever it is that we had. It was cool while it lasted, but now it's time to come back to reality. We are from 2 different worlds. There is no way we can be friends." She tried to explain while remaining calm.

'I don't want to befriend you, I thought I had made that pretty clear. I want you to be mine."

"Well, come back to earth, because this is not happening."

"Why not. There is a good chemistry between us."

"It was nothing but a lie. From day one. You called it upon yourself by lying and pretending to be someone else."

"I never lied about who I am. I just explained..." He ran his hand through his hair in a nervous gesture. He was getting frustrated. Why was she so stubborn? Before he had the chance to say more, she got up, went in her living room and sat in an armchair. He followed her and sat on the couch next to her.

"Let me make it simple for you. 1. I don't date white guy. 2. I don't date celebrities. 3. You're both of them, white and celeb. Conclusion: I can't date YOU.

He narrowed his eyes and ran his hand through his hair. He had to make her realized that there were good together. He wanted her. He needed her.

"This is racism."

"No, it is not. It is like chocolate."


"Yeah, chocolate. You know, usually sweet, brown food preparation of roasted and ground cacao seeds. I like chocolate. Milky, minty, dark, fruity, with nuts, salted caramel, with brownies, well you got it I love chocolate. So why do you want me to give up chocolate."

Jered laughed. Damn, she was good.

"Sweetheart, you do know that there is white chocolate, right!"

"Technically, it is not real chocolate."

"It still is chocolate. And do I have to remind you that your favorite coffee is "flat white coffee"? It is destiny! Why not try some cream in your coffee." He said raising his eyebrows with a cocky smile.

She got up from the chair, annoyed. "Why am I even discussing my preferences with you? I will not date you Jered. So please, stop making it harder that it ..."

He didn't let her finish, grabbed her arm and drew her to him in a sudden gesture. She found herself sitting astride him. She had to put her hands on his chest to maintain a proper distance between them.

"What are you doing? Let go of me" she said while trying to get up. But he wouldn't let that happen. His hands were on her waist, maintaining her in place.

"Close your eyes sweetheart." He asked gently.

"No, let me go."

"Just close your eyes, for God sake, woman!"

"Don't talk to me like that".

"I can stay in this position for a really long time Nessa. Please do as I say."

"What the fuck do you think I am? Some kind of doll you can carry around and make her do what you want?"

"We have all day Nessa."

She was mad at him now. But as much as she hated to be forced into anything. She had to admit that being in this position with him was a little turn on. She did not want to acknowledge the effect he had on her. She could feel his muscles under his shirt. Damn, the man was sexy as hell. And his voice, she had the impression that it went one tone lower, making her grow wetter down there. This was not good. A part of her wanted to slap the craziness out of him, the other part... No, no. "Close your eyes and you'll be free", she thought to herself.

She took a deep breath, then closed her eyes. For a good minute or so, nothing happened. This was stupid. She was about to open her eyes when she felt his hand cupping her cheek. For a few more second nothing, then he kissed her. A chaste, soft peck on her lips.

"That's it?" she thought.

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